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Paul Ferris - SumOfUs

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Oct. 23, 2013

Comcast wants to take total control over our Internet, and then kill it. Now we have to fight back before it’s too late.

The cable giant is pushing to buy out its key competitor, Time Warner. This monster merger would hand Comcast an unprecedented monopoly across the country. If Comcast wins, we can expect higher bills and a slower Internet for everyone -- except for Comcast’s corporate buddies willing to pay for fast access.

Rejecting this merger should be a no brainer. But the man meant to hold Comcast to account at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) -- Chairman Tom Wheeler -- is a former Big Cable lobbyist. He’s under growing pressure, but more of us need to speak up to get him to do what’s right.

We need to weigh in now before official public comments on this corporate merger close. If hundreds of thousands of us speak up we can hold Wheeler to account, and force him to consider the overwhelming public opposition to this Comcast Internet takeover.

Add your voice now to say no to the Comcast merger and to make sure the FCC hears our demand loud and clear.

Under Tom Wheeler, former employees of Comcast have actually been hired to work for the Federal Communications Commission -- the very agency that is supposed to be regulating these corporate juggernauts!

This merger will give Comcast even more power to bully the FCC into ending Net Neutrality. It will create a fast lane for those who can afford to pay more, and essentially privatizing the Internet. But if we can convince Wheeler to stand up for the interests of the public, we can turn the tide of growing corporate control over the Internet. We can stop the merger AND protect Net Neutrality.

Comcast is already wielding way too much control over our democracy. Last year alone the company spent over $18 million on lobbying, while a revolving door of its former employees infiltrates our government. The last thing we need is more of Comcast’s cronies and their corrupting influence shaping future policy in the rapidly growing digital market.

The good news? This month amid growing public outrage, President Obama spoke out echoing our concerns and challenged Wheeler to support real Net Neutrality, without pay-based fast lanes. In the coming months the FCC will make a ruling on Net Neutrality, as public support for equal access to the Internet is at an all time high. Now it’s time to turn up the volume -- our actions today have the power to ensure the future of the Internet is fair and free from corporate control.

If we can stand up to Comcast and FCC chairman Tom Wheeler on this monstrous merger, we can build momentum to defend Net Neutrality and help save the Internet as we know it.

Join us to stop this corporate takeover and defend the Internet!

Thanks for all you do,

Paul, Nick and the team at



More information:

Obama vs. the FCC Chairman,, 17 October 2014

Former Comcast and Verizon Attorneys now manage the FCC and are about to kill the Internet, Vice, 25 April 2014