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Ron Paul: Illegal US wars in ME aimed at selling arms

Ron Paul

Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:34PM GMT

Former US congressman and two-time Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul describes the new US war in the Middle East region as “immoral and illegal”, adding that the US military campaign in region would only further the violence.

“I consider what is going on now specifically in these last few weeks totally immoral. I think it’s illegal under our laws and illegal under international law as well,” Paul made the remarks in an interview with Russia Today in an answer to a question regarding the legality of the new US-led military campaign against ISIL Takfiri group in Syria and Iraq.

“I would say the whole mess that we have been involved in the Middle East has been technically illegal because we initiated a war but we have not declared war,” he added.

The former American congressman said he believes everything that Washington does in Iraq and Syria “would increase the amount of the violence.”

“Why should someone 6,000 miles away, that has been stirring this pot for so long, be the group that is going to bring everyone together and organize the fight?”

Paul added that the US military is now bombing the very same weapons it sent for militants fighting against the Syrian government. He added that Americans support the new war in Middle East because fear mongers have terrified them.

“They have to stir up the fear the people have to be fearful and hateful. They did this before the Persian Gulf War and the Iraq war and all the horrible things that come about.”

He concluded that all these wars take place “because some people want to sell weapons.”