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Help us fight to end the fracking onslaught

Francis Beinecke - NRDC [Natural Resources Defense Council ]

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Sept. 1l6, 2014




The fracking industry is running wild.

They are not required to reveal all of the hazardous chemicals they’re pumping into the ground … their air and water pollution goes largely uncontrolled ... and they are fracking right next to homes and schools.

Simply put, oil and gas companies have unleashed a full-fledged chemical assault on American communities from coast to coast -- and we have been left defenseless.

This fracking onslaught is robbing millions of Americans of our most basic rights to clean air, clean water and safety from toxic chemicals.

We must not allow the greed of a few to trample the rights of the many. NRDC is fighting back hard -- but we need your strong support!


Big Oil & Gas is waging a full-fledged fracking assault.

Help Stop Reckless Fracking Now

Help us fight back on the local, state and national levels to rein in the fracking juggernaut and protect communities across the country from the ravages of fracking.


Your tax-deductible contribution will help us launch a nationwide petition drive, demanding that President Obama take charge of his Administration’s fracking policies. He should begin by directing his EPA to require full disclosure of all chemicals used in fracking operations.

That’s right: there are no federal rules requiring companies to tell us what’s in the fracking fluid they’re pumping into the ground. Meanwhile, our families and communities are left to suffer the all-too-real consequences of an industry running amok.

Please make an emergency donation to help us fight at the local, state and federal levels to rein in the fracking juggernaut and protect our environment in the most effective way possible.

You’ll be helping us mobilize the public via an online campaign featuring powerful new videos about the dangers of fracking by James Taylor and Robert Redford ... provide vital legal assistance to local communities that want to ban or restrict fracking ... defend our last wild places against the oil and gas invasion ... and build a citizen force strong enough to take on the fracking lobby and prevail on President Obama to take swift action.

Let’s face it: something is terribly -- fatally -- wrong when our health and safety take a backseat to the interests of corporate polluters.

Enough is enough. For too long industry has made a mockery of our environmental laws while those charged with protecting us have looked the other way.

NRDC has long been at the forefront of this battle to defend our communities and our wildlands from fracking. And now -- with your support -- we’re going to escalate this fight with Big Oil & Gas. Please let me know that I can count on your generous gift today.



Frances Beinecke


Natural Resources Defense Council