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Game-over on the Keystone XL pipeline

Elijah Zarlin, CREDO

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Sept. 13, 2014


Activist pressure has stopped Keystone XL so far. And as we await the ruling from the Nebraska Supreme Court, there is a real chance we can make sure President Obama rejects it once and for all next year.

But not if Republicans take control of the Senate. They will almost certainly force approval of Keystone XL, and there will be little we can do as they attach the “game-over” pipeline and other crazy provisions to must-pass spending bills.

The time when we have the power to stop this isn’t later — it’s right now, by making sure we defeat them in November.


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Democratic control of the Senate has stopped radical environmental attacks from the Tea Party controlled House so far. But Republicans are licking their chops at the prospect of gaining control of the Senate, too.

On Thursday, Ohio Senator Rob Portman said that a Republican Senate majority could break the firewall and force President Obama to accept Republican energy proposals, including approval of the Keystone XL pipeline.

We have made too much progress, and fought too hard, for too long, to suddenly have this pipeline decision process taken over by radical Senate Republicans, and literally rammed through our nation.

We can stop it, if enough of us get involved. CREDO SuperPAC’s grassroots campaigns on-the-ground in the key states of Colorado, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia and Kentucky are working to mobilize the voters who could be the difference in holding the Senate — and keeping Keystone XL as the president’s decision.

Please chip in to fund our grassroots campaign, and make sure Republicans can’t strip our hard-won gains against the Keystone XL pipeline.


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Thanks for all you do.

Elijah Zarlin


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