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Corinne Ball,

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Aug. 25, 2014

Many of us have wrestled with intense emotions—sadness, anger, shock, and more—as we've followed the ongoing situation in Ferguson, Missouri.

The police killing of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown has ignited weeks of demonstrations. Even though most protesters have been peaceful, police appeared armed with military-grade equipment.1 Reporters have been threatened and arrested by police while trying to report the story.2 The whole country has been watching what's happening in Ferguson.3 

Many of us have asked: What can we do to ensure justice for Michael Brown? What is this awful situation revealing—or reminding us—about racism in America, police militarization, and the way our criminal justice system too often fails communities of color? 

Many of us have been moved to take action. More than 150,000 MoveOn members joined to call on the Department of Justice to intervene in the investigation into Michael Brown's death. That petition will be delivered this week in Washington, DC.

Tens of thousands of us added our names to MoveOn member and Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed's petition calling for an independent prosecutor in the case. And many of us have made phone calls, joined community protests and vigils, and more.

MoveOn member and Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed delivered tens of thousands of MoveOn member signatures in St. Louis last week, and her campaign has drawn coverage from CNN to the Wall Street Journal and beyond.4

The vigils and national outcry have already had an impact in Ferguson. Attorney General Eric Holder—who came to meet with Ferguson residents in person—is overseeing a Department of Justice investigation.5 The FBI is conducting an investigation into civil rights abuses by the Ferguson police department.6 And a grand jury has been convened to determine if charges will be filed against Officer Darren Wilson.7

We still have much left to do and many complex issues to address before Ferguson—and America—can heal and move forward. There is no quick fix. But there are things we can all do right now to get involved in the push for justice.

One step you can take—if you haven't already—is to sign Senator Nasheed's petition calling for a special prosecutor to investigate the shooting death of Michael Brown. Faith leaders and local residents have joined Senator Nasheed in expressing serious doubts about whether the prosecutor in St. Louis County, who previously failed to charge officers for murdering two unarmed black men, will objectively investigate the officer responsible.8

There's also a huge amount of thoughtful online commentary that's been sparked by this tragedy. Whatever you're reading about Ferguson now, consider passing it along to a friend to keep the conversation going. Here's one option: This piece from MSNBC's "All In With Chris Hayes" puts the story in a broader perspective in a conversation with Marq Claxton, a retired New York Police Department detective, and Phillip Agnew, founder of the young activist group Dream Defenders:

Together, let's continue to reflect, to speak out, and to take action.

Thanks for all you do.

–Corinne, Maria, Anna, Mark, and the rest of the team


1. "A Former Marine Explains All the Weapons of War Being Used by Police in Ferguson," The Nation, August 20, 2014

2. "6 more journalists arrested in Ferguson protests," CNN, August 19, 2014

3. "A Movement Grows in Ferguson," The New Yorker, August 17, 2014  

4. "Concerns arise about prosecutor in Michael Brown case," CNN, August 20, 2014

"Missouri Governor Won't Replace Prosecutor in Michael Brown Probe," Wall Street Journal, August 21, 2014

5. "Jay Nixon: Missouri Highway Patrol Will Take Over Supervision Of Security In Ferguson," Associated Press, August 14, 2014

6. "FBI Will Investigate Death of Black Teenager in Missouri," The Washington Post, August 11, 2014

7. "Holder visits Ferguson as grand jury hearings begin," Los Angeles Times, August 20, 2014

8. "Protesting the Prosecution," Slate, August 21, 2014

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