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Constitutional Rights Essentially Suspended in Ferguson as Police Raid Homes Door to Door

Nick Bernabe

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Aug. 20 2014

According to journalists’ firsthand accounts found in the live streaming video from Tim Pool of Vice News (posted above, but may not be currently live), police or National Guard troops are now sweeping houses door to door in Ferguson, MO. Thumbnail credit: Ryan J. Reilly

This is a blatant violation of the constitution under the 4th amendment:

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

These door to door searches are presumably in response to shots being fired at authorities, which were supposedly also witnessed by journalists in the area.

Freedom of speech, protected by the 1st amendment, has also been suspended in Ferguson. According toArgus Radio’s live stream, peaceful protesters were being mass arrested and hauled away on camera.

Freedom of the press has now basically been revoked in Ferguson as well. A “free speech area” was set up by police where press “were allowed” to report from. However, this area has now been closed and all journalists have been forced to leave the area or face arrest. Most live streaming journalists are in the process of relocating as I write this article.

Emphasis is being made by police that only “credentialed” journalists are allowed at the new press area being set up. The 1st amendment, however, makes no mention of freedom of the press requiring a license or credential, as it shouldn’t.

The unrest and grass-roots coverage of it in Ferguson shows the dire need for citizen journalists on the ground to portray an unadulterated view of the reality of the situation.

As I predicted in an article earlier today, the added presence of National Guard troops only served to increase tensions, not “preserve the peace” as was claimed,

“In response to this escalation, Governor Nixon has ordered the National Guard to Ferguson to suppress this rebellion in the small town, which may lead to an even greater amount of human rights abuses and violations of the 1st amendment. As more militarization of this conflict pours in, it’s likely that tensions will escalate further and that more violence will occur. Activists are expecting a near-martial law situation on the ground in Ferguson”

Below I’ve embedded a live twitter feed so that our readers can find working live stream video from inside the protest areas if they become available in Ferguson; which I was unable to locate at the time of writing this article. If I find a reliable feed I will update this article to include it.

A press conference should be happening any moment and can be seen here:

</p> <p>

Reddit’s live wiki covering the Ferguson protests is also a good resource for up to date information and can be found here.

More potential live streams can be found on and


Nick Bernabe is the owner and lead editor of the website, an activist, blogger, and the founder and spokesman of the March Against Monsanto movement. He is also a guest contributor to The Mind Unleashed. Please follow his Facebook page by clicking here.