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TAKE ACTION: Stop Pebble Mine for Good

Tom Waldo, Earthjustice

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Aug. 8, 2014

You have the power to help us stop the Pebble Mine now.

The Environmental Protection Agency recently proposed restrictions that would limit development of the Pebble ore deposit in Alaska. This is a tremendously good move by the EPA to protect Alaska's Bristol Bay, home to abundant wildlife and world-class salmon runs, including the world's largest sockeye fishery.

The proposal is not yet finalized, however. The EPA is currently accepting public comments and needs to hear from you today.

If approved, the Pebble Mine would be the largest, most destructive open-pit mine ever built in North America. Over its lifetime, the mine could generate 23 billion tons of dangerous mining waste, wiping out over 90 miles of salmon streams and more than 5,000 acres of intertwined wetlands, ponds and lakes. The EPA's proposed restrictions would effectively prohibit such large-scale destruction.

The Pebble Limited Partnership, which owns the mining rights, has filed a lawsuit asking the court to halt the EPA's public process immediately. That's right: the mining company is terrified to let your voice to be heard.

Earthjustice legal experts are asking the court to throw out this case and let the EPA do its job. We've been fighting for decades to protect Alaskan wilderness, and we stand ready to fight once again.

We need your urgent help now to make sure the Obama administration follows through and puts an end to this devastating project.


Tom Waldo

Staff Attorney

Alaska Office