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Americans for Peace Now Backs Kerry on Gaza Ceasefire

Robert Naiman - Just Foreign Policy

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July 30, 2014

If you follow Middle East peace issues, you know that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has come under withering fire in Israeli and U.S. press for his diplomatic efforts to end the current violence in Gaza.   

If you’re like me, you don’t just want to stand and watch while Kerry is attacked for trying to do exactly the things that we have asked him to do: end the violence and address the underlying issues, including the economic blockade of Gaza.  

Here are some resources you can use to help us push back.  

Americans for Peace Now put out an alert yesterday in defense of Kerry. You can see that, participate if you want, and share it from here:  

Tell Secretary Kerry: Yes to a Gaza-Israel ceasefire  

Just Foreign Policy’s MoveOn petition calling for the U.S. to pursue a diplomatic agreement to end the war and lift the blockade – exactly what Kerry is being slammed for trying to do – now has 25,000 signatures. You can sign and share that here:  

Tell @WhiteHouse & @JohnKerry: End Gaza War and Lift Blockade  

Just Foreign Policy put up a list of suggested pro-Kerry, pro-diplomacy tweets. You can use the tweet buttons to tweet them right from the page:  

Finally, I just put up a post at Daily Kos, tying all of this together. You can read that and share it here:  

Americans for Peace Now Backs Kerry on Gaza Ceasefire  

Thanks for all you do to help push U.S. policy in the direction of concrete and realistic actions for peace,  

Robert Naiman

Just Foreign Policy