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Fired for going to the hospital

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July 22, 2014

This is absolutely sickening.

A Subway worker in Freeport, Texas, was fired from her job this week because she was sick, and we need to help her get her job back.

Elizabeth – the Subway employee – doesn't get sick leave, like myself and every other fast food worker that I know. Fearing she'd be fired if she called in sick, Elizabeth went in for her shift.

Before long, she was drenched in sweat and constantly running to the bathroom to be sick, in between making people's sandwiches. When she approached her boss, she was told, "I don't care. Get back on the line" and "just switch shirts" to hide the vomit stains.

That's reason enough to be outraged and send a message to Subway – but it gets even worse.

Unable to go home, when Elizabeth stepped outside on her break she looked just as bad as she felt. A Pizza Hut employee who works next door saw her, and called an ambulance to take her to the hospital. She had a bad stomach virus and went to get treated. And sure enough, she was fired.

Her boss said she was fired for "poor performance and insubordination," but I'm not buying it, and neither should you. Elizabeth was fired because she was sick and her boss insisted she continue making sandwiches, but she couldn't. She had to go to the hospital – that's NOT insubordination.

Tell Subway to give Elizabeth her job back, and to stop putting the public's health at risk by forcing sick employees to continue making sandwiches.

Elizabeth's story made the news, but the truth is stuff like this happens every day for fast food and other low-wage, part-time workers. It's not right. Not at all. And it's exactly why we're not only fighting for $15 an hour, but also a union – so that abuse exactly like this can be stamped out of the fast food industry.

Tell Subway to give Elizabeth her job back right now.

We'll keep you posted with what's next,

Jessica Davis

Low Pay is Not OK