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My son needs help

Jennifer Betenson

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July 10k, 2014

There's a new petition taking off on, and we think you might be interested in signing it.

Rollin Cook: Get my son immediate access to qualified medical specialists who can properly diagnose and treat my son.

Jennifer Betenson

St. George, Utah

My son Douglas Maddux is a 25 year old inmate at the Utah State Prison. Nine months ago he requested medical attention for a lump in his throat and difficulty swallowing, eating, and talking. He was ridiculed by the medical staff, told he had acid reflux, given expired medications and lied to about what his tests said. He was denied a biopsy of the "asymmetrical base of tongue" that was stated on one of his grievances. He was told nothing was wrong.

Five months later he now has a huge tumor on the entire right side of his tongue and medical personel still refused him any further testing or referral's to a specialist to evaluate him in person. He is now 30 lbs down in weight, has enlarged lymph nodes, difficulty swallowing with severe pain. I want my son to be properly diagnosed and treated ASAP. He was very healthy and has never complained about anything while incarcerated. I have nine kids and I will not stop until he is receiving the care he deserves.  

Prison officials are obligated under the Eighth Amendment to provide prisoners with adequate medical care. This principle applies regardless of whether the medical care is provided by governmental employees or by private medical staff under contract with the government.

Please help me get the message across that we will not stand for negligent medical care that may possibly cost my son his life.