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NSA Supporters DEFEATED in Congress!

James Wilson

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June 24, 2014

APPEARANCE ANNOUNCEMENT: Libertarian Convention, Columbus, OH


Downsize DC President, Jim Babka, and Chairman, Gary Nolan, will be broadcasting from the Libertarian National Convention this Thursday and Friday (June 26 and 27). It's at the Hyatt Regency Columbus. If you're going to be there, and you're interested in meeting in person, please send an email to (please don’t reply to this email instead). And please provide your contact info.




Good news!


The House OVERWHELMINGLY passed an amendment to the Defense Spending bill that provides a key NSA reform. You can see how your Rep voted here.


This is a HUGE defeat for Congressional "leaders" who support the NSA.


And it's a HUGE victory for YOU who've protested NSA abuses.




But, the fight’s NOT over. So please send another letter to Congress supporting the USA Freedom Act (which the Senate is currently considering) using's Hands Off the Internet campaign.


You may borrow from or copy this letter...  


I'm thrilled the House passed a Defense amendment that bars federal agencies from collecting and searching our communications without a warrant.


That provision was stripped from the original USA Freedom Act. Yet this 293-123 vote should send the Congressional "leadership" and Intelligence committees an unmistakable message...


They are on the wrong side of a majority of Congress and of the American people.


I insist that you fight them…


* Keep this amendment in the Defense bill, and…

* RESTORE the original USA FREEDOM Act!




Send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.  


And please tell everyone you know to "Like" on Facebook.


James Wilson

Policy Research Director, Inc.