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The IRS 'Lost' Lois Lerner's Emails

MRC Action

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June 19, 2014

Nothing  to see here.

Just TWO YEARS worth of crucial emails from Lois Lerner—the IRS official at the center of the IRS scandal—have mysteriously disappeared.

And major news outlets are completely ignoring this bombshell.

The MRC is calling on our grassroots army to take immediate action against the leftist media’s efforts to shield the Obama administration from yet another shocking development in the IRS scandal.   

From day one, the shameless left-wing zealots in the so-called news media have been suppressing or spinning how the IRS wielded its enormous power to block conservatives from participating in the democratic process during the critical 2012 presidential election.

And now they’re refusing to report the latest bombshell: The IRS cannot provide thousands of emails  from Lois Lerner spanning two years and covering a critical period during which the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups was likely planned and executed. 

The media’s effort to hide the truth from millions of Americans is deplorable, and the MRC is ready to expose and neutralize it

Click here to sign the Media Research Center’s IRSBlackout petition holding  the media accountable for their shameful refusal to cover what should be the scandal of the century

Shouldn’t responsible journalists be asking how two years of emails suddenly went missing and why it took the IRS over a year to inform the Congressional committee investigating this scandal about the disappearance?

By signing the MRC’s petition, you will be sending an unmistakable message to the liberal media: as a patriotic American you demand that journalists do their job and not act as Obama’s surrogates.

We are committed to holding the media accountable, but we need YOU in the fight.

After you sign the petition, please forward this email to all your friends and family; we need millions of Americans to take immediate action against the media’s IRS blackout to ensure that the IRS doesn’t get away with persecuting conservatives ever again.

Thank you for taking a stand against the liberal media’s inexcusable and shameful cover-up of how the IRS drowned out conservative speech. 


The MRC Action Team