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Robert Naiman - Moveon

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Senator Lindsey Graham and other pro-war voices have called for direct U.S. military action in Iraq following the failure of the Iraqi Army to defend Mosul against Sunni insurgents. These calls, amplified in the media, are putting pressure on the Obama Administration for direct U.S. military intervention in Iraq, including airstrikes.

Act now! Sign our petition at MoveOn telling President Obama and Congress NO to a new U.S. war in Iraq.

Senate Armed Services Chair Carl Levin has correctly called for caution. Levin said: "It's unclear how air strikes on our part can succeed unless the Iraqi army is willing to fight, and that's uncertain given the fact that several Iraqi army divisions have melted away." As the New York Times has written, “The United States simply cannot be sucked into another round of war in Iraq.”

The U.S. war in Iraq ended in 2011 with the withdrawal of our troops, and the last thing we need is a new U.S. war in Iraq. President Obama has been right to say that the Iraqi government must be responsible for security in Iraq.

To avoid another rush to war, Members of Congress must insist that an explicit Congressional authorization of force precede any direct U.S. military action in Iraq, including airstrikes. This is how we stopped the U.S. bombing of Syria: by getting Members of Congress to insist that President Obama come to Congress for authorization before any U.S. bombing.

Sign and share our petition now. When you sign our petition, it will be automatically delivered to President Obama and Congress.

Thanks for all you do to help prevent more war,


Robert Naiman and Megan Iorio

Just Foreign Policy