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Sheriff Joe Arpaio

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May 23, 2014

I'm furious, and you should be too.


It's all over the news. Even the liberal media can't ignore it.


The Obama Administration just released over 36 THOUSAND illegal immigrant criminals.... murderers, sex-crime convicts and drunk drivers are all now back on our streets.


It's OUTRAGEOUS and exactly what I have been telling you about for weeks.


Of course when I report it, the liberal media and the Hollywood leftists scream "racist".


This is unconscionable. The Obama Administration must be held accountable for this incredible breach of security and safety. And with your help I plan on being the one to hold him accountable.

I am working around the clock to take illegal criminals off the streets, and for what? Just to have the Obama administration release them the next day?


Enough is enough. I need to know you support my fight to hold Obama accountable for this dangerous security breach.


Just so you know the significance of this situation, below is the list of convicted felons who instead of being deported are now back on our streets.


According to the report, the 36,007 individuals released represented nearly 88,000 convictions, including:

  • 193 homicide convictions
  • 426 sexual assault convictions
  • 303 kidnapping convictions
  • 1,075 aggravated assault convictions
  • 1,160 stolen vehicle convictions
  • 9,187 dangerous drug convictions
  • 16,070 drunk or drugged driving convictions
  • 303 flight escape convictions

Recently, I conducted a survey in the jails that I run which revealed out of 2,000 illegal immigrants booked in to the jails for various and serious crimes, and turned over to federal officials for deportation proceedings, 727 have returned to my jails several times. That's a 36% return rate to our jails alone - and that counts for just the ones we've caught!


This disturbing trend means either the federal government is ushering illegal immigrants out the back door and onto the streets to commit more crimes; or our borders remain so wide open that illegal immigrants still enter illegally with remarkable ease.


We need to get to the bottom of this, and I will not rest until we do. If you stand with me, I need to know. This fight won't be easy. The Obama Administration knows the severity of this situation and is going to throw up every smokescreen possible to distract from this.


I need your immediate financial support so I have the resources necessary to fight tooth and nail. Will you follow this link to show your support and strength for the fight we have ahead by making an important contribution to this fight of $500, $250, $100 or even $35?


In the meantime, please rest assured that I am doing everything I can to enforce the laws and do the job I was elected to do!


Thank you for your support and for joining me in this crucial fight!




Sheriff Joe


P.S. Please don't delete this email. I need your help to get the word out that the Obama Administration is actively releasing criminals from custody back onto our streets to commit more crimes. This is outrageous, to say the least. Please forward this email to at least five of your friends or family members and ask them to support my efforts.