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Adriana Alvarez

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----- Original Message -----
From: Adriana Alvarez
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2014 5:06 AM
Subject: Happening NOW

It started hours ago in New Zealand.

And by the time you read this email, workers across the United States... the Netherlands... Malawi... China... freaking everywhere are in the streets demanding higher wages and the right to form a union without retaliation.

The first fast food worker strikes a year and a half ago took place with a few hundred workers in a single city. Today, those strikes and protests have spread to tens of thousands of people in over 150 cities and on every single continent with a fast food restaurant.

Nobody who works hard for a living should be forced to live in poverty. Nobody.

Today, we're making sure McDonald's hears us. Hears YOU.

Sign now. And spread the word after you have. The McDonald's shareholder meeting is a week from today, May 22nd, and they need to know that paying poverty wages is no longer an option.

Today is the largest fast food strike in history. You're a part of it - and we're counting on you to stick with us until we win. And we will WIN.


Thank you,


Adriana Alvarez

Low Pay is Not OK



----- Original Message -----
From: Adriana Alvarez
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2014 5:06 AM
Subject: Happening NOW
Low Pay is Not OK

S T R I K E !

Bigger than ever, happening RIGHT NOW.

And we just found out that a Burger King in Boston had to close because they didn't have enough workers.


Stand with us, wherever you are, by adding your name to our petition – then help us be visible by spreading the word!

What a day it's been, already. From New Zealand, to the Netherlands, Malawi, Japan and more, the fast food global day of action is off to an incredible start.

And we just found that a Burger King in Boston had to close this morning because they didn't have enough workers to staff the restaurant. Amazing!

That means the fast food giants can't ignore us. That means this thing we're doing is working. Add your name to the petition and spread the word to keep the momentum going strong.

The first fast food worker strikes a year and a half ago took place with a few hundred workers in a single city. Today, those strikes and protests have spread to tens of thousands of people in over 150 cities and on every single continent with a fast food restaurant.

Nobody who works hard for a living should be forced to live in poverty. Nobody.

Today, we're making sure McDonald's hears us. Hears YOU.

Sign now. And spread the word after you have. The McDonald's shareholder meeting is a week from today, May 22nd, and they need to know that paying poverty wages is no longer an option.

Today is the largest fast food strike in history. You're a part of it – and we're counting on you to stick with us until we win. And we will WIN.

Adriana Alvarez Thank you,



Adriana Alvarez

Low Pay is Not OK