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#StandWithUdall: Demand Barron's Drone Strike Memo

Just Foreign Policy

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May 8, 2014

Democratic Senator Mark Udall has said that he will oppose David Barron’s nomination to the 1st Circuit Court of Appeals unless the White House complies with a recent court order to release to the public a redacted version of its legal justification for killing a U.S. citizen with a drone strike – a justification that was written by David Barron when he was at the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel. [1]

This is a rare opportunity to force more transparency on the drone strike policy. If more Senators take a public stance like Senator Mark Udall, the Administration will be forced to disclose more information to the public.

Call your U.S. Senators now and urge them to take a stance like Senator Mark Udall's. The Congressional Switchboard is 202-225-3121; ask to be transferred to your Senator’s office.

When you reach the office, ask to be transferred to the staffer who covers the Judiciary Committee. Regardless of who you talk to, or if you have to leave a voice mail, you can say:

I want to know if the Senator will stand with Senators who are demanding that the Administration comply with a court order to share with the public its legal justification for drone strikes, written by David Barron, before a Senate vote on Barron’s confirmation.

Urge your Senators to stand with Senator Mark Udall & demand public release of Barron's drone strike memo: 202-225-3121.

Report your call


You can report the results of your call here:

You can read what we know so far, including the public statements of Senator Udall, Senator Wyden, Senator Paul, and Senator Grassley, here:

We'll update that post as we receive your information and new press reports.

Thanks for all you do to help hold the drone strike policy accountable to the rule of law,

Robert Naiman, Chelsea Mozen, and Megan Iorio

Just Foreign Policy

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1. “Senators on Barron & Drone Strike Memos: Where Do They Stand?” Robert Naiman, Daily Kos, May 7,