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Round-op Alpha Update: Important Questions, the Answers and What You Can Do

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April 25, 2014

April 25, 2014 – Updated April 30, 2014 – Round-op Alpha S.I.N.G.J.A.

International Announcement, for Immediate and Unlimited Distribution:

People who want to cooperate in the Round-op Alpha operation(s) do so on a voluntary basis and therefore initially decide for themselves what they are willing to do and how they want to offer their help. In a later stage we will request that they either continue their current self-determined tasks or that they complete one or more other specific tasks according to what the operation requires.

At this moment the current Round-op Alpha operation requires that people get organized amongst themselves, that they discuss and share the general concept, that they search for ways to contribute to the cause and operation.

One can do various things that in the end may have a substantial impact on the Round-op Alpha operation(s):

  • Spread the message and information (online and offline) that we provide and distribute
  • Organize one or more teams of people who can be trusted for specific missions
  • Gather information regarding the whereabouts and status of the R-oA2014-listed individuals
  • Report back to us regularly about updates and findings
  • Submit own ideas and solutions
  • Create campaign tools such as banners, videos and audio material to inform the general public
  • Report about Round-op Alpha on websites and blogs
  • Conduct investigations in order to identify additional individuals who should also be R-oA2014-listed and provide the evidence and indications for those cases
  • Gather evidence and indications regarding the crimes and acts/activities of the R-oA2014-listed individuals (conspirators) to support the compilation of the individual dossiers for each R-oA2014-listed individual which will be used during the hearings and prosecutions in the courts of law

Important Questions:

1. Why is a Specific Person Not Listed Yet?

Round-op Alpha is totally aware that more names need to be included in the R-oA2014 List. However, we are facing an enormous lack of resources and our current administrative team is undermanned in every sense of the word because gradually more and more e-mails need to be answered and an increasing number of investigations need to be conducted continuously and properly.

Round-op Alpha therefore requests the public to also support us in this specific task. When you need to see a certain name on the R-oA2014 List then send us the information that you have on that individual, i.e.: name, (professional) position, whereabouts and the evidence that supports the claim for inclusion in the R-oA2014 List.

2. Why is There a Limited Amount of Information on the Round-op Alpha Website?

It is indeed so that currently the main website has a limited amount of information, we hope you understand that this is for specific reasons. Round-op Alpha is in its initial phase and we have therefore opted to gradually ad more information as time goes by, this to a) measure the general public’s interest for the cause and b) not to jeopardize the operation(s).

3.How and Where Will the Arrests Occur?

The most favorable ways and places for the arrests of the R-oA2014-listed individuals are with the support of law enforcement officials who a) understand the dire situation and b) are willing to change it for the better; and in cooperation with citizens where and when possible in the event that the anticipated lack of law enforcement officials comes about. The actual places of the arrests of the R-oA2014-listed individuals depends on the whereabouts of each R-oA2014-listed individual. The initial Notices of Arrest first of all serve the purpose of inviting the general public and organizations to join the Round-op Alpha operation(s).

4. When Will the Arrests Occur and What about the Prosecutions in the Courts of Law?

A first time frame for the arrests, which is likely to be subject to change considering the scale of the operation(s), is a two-month period: January and February 2015. It is very important that a substantial number of arrests occur within the same time frame, be it the initial two-month period or a reviewed one. Hearings and prosecutions can not take place in any of the existing judicial bodies recognized and/or organized by the ruling entities and factions since those venues are on their own turf. We foresee or rather hope for the participation of several other venues including but not limited to the Kuala Lumpur Tribunal. Although it is true that venues like that currently have no legally binding powers, as perceived by most governments, this should not mean that their possible contribution should not be taken seriously. Any judicial venue created by the ruling entities and factions are off-limits for they would only harm the course of justice. We are not envisaging mock trials and freak shows. It is within the possibilities and already highly anticipated that the general public will (have to) organize a new judicial venue consisting of people who are not affiliated in any way with any of the ruling entities, factions and R-oA2014-listed individuals. Most favorably the new judicial venue should be overseen by people coming from the remaining “truth movement” of course minus the known and to-be-exposed PSYOP, CO-OPTED, COINTELPRO agents and individuals.

5. Are There Individual Files or Dossiers for Every R-oA2014-listed Individual?

The individual dossiers for each R-oA2014-listed individual, containing the evidence and information to be used during the hearings and in the courts of law, are imperative and are currently being compiled but we have a serious shortage of resources and we already have too few helping hands and minds at our disposal. We therefore request that people consider to contribute to this work.

6. Is There a Military Alliance Being Formed Behind the Scenes?
There are indeed rumors about a military alliance that is aiming at the arrest of key individuals but to claim that we can confirm this 100% would be irresponsible for we cannot, yet. Still, we do look forward to contributing to that alliance’s operations.

7. What about Benefits and Profits, is There Money Involved?

No one at Round-op Alpha is earning any income for their work at Round-op Alpha, neither are we running any fundraisers. First of all because we can’t afford this kind of expenses but also, and even more important, because it is in such conditions that the chances are better for us to eventually find the right people for our operation(s). When one isn’t willing to do this job without a monetary compensation attached to it then there’s no way he or she will do it in an honest manner when getting payed regularly along the way. Of course, when the general public decides to donate any kind of resources to Round-op Alpha or our people individually then these are most welcome and will certainly be accepted and deployed appropriately. Should any Round-op Alpha operative receive personal contributions in any way then that would be their own choice to either accept these offers or not.

The real benefits and profits for everyone, and not just for the people working with Round-op Alpha, are at the finish line because there are countless taxes to be abolished across the world that are now in place although they are not lawful and certainly not necessary, one perfect example of this is the carbon (CO2) tax and the accompanying multi billion dollar/euro market.

Prices of goods and services including the use of money (loans) is anticipated to decrease substantially once the prosecutions of the R-oA2014-listed individuals have been completed successfully since there are currently financial constructions in place that serve the sole purpose of perpetual price increases, to be beneficial only for those who have created the constructions, i.e. the same people who are R-oA2014-listed, their entourage and the institutions and entities they are affiliated with or where they are holding positions. The total to which all of this eventually amounts is in the range of 100s to even 1000s of trillions (dollar, euro) per year.