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'Militia' groups fear infiltration by feds at Bundy Ranch

Lauren Rozyla, Reporter

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April 23, 10`4


Of course they are heavily infiltrated, probably to the tune of at least 10%, right on up to the top people and leaders. "Never seen this not be the case". The all time scumbag awards have to go to the feds for their obvious betrayal of everything this country once stood for.


With so many low-life's working for the Federal Government, who by the way, contribute nothing to the upkeep of the human race,  and about as unessential bunch of misfits as you will ever find; there numbers having reached pestilence levels of plague like infestation, are indicative of a group having no real purpose for existing, other than that of being a drain on the whole of humanity.


BUNKERVILLE, Nev. -- Militia groups are still surrounding the Bundy ranch days after the BLM ended its roundup of cattle. There is concern among some of them that they have been infiltrated by undercover federal agents.


One man, among the self-described militia, says at least two federal agents went undercover to gather information and are preparing to make arrests. This latest information is causing increased tensions among those who say their goal is to protect rancher Cliven Bundy. Around 50 people remain at the ranch, many living in tents, and are prepared to stay for weeks, even months. The men say they took an oath to protect, but they are worried there is a rat in the ranks


"When you pledge your life and your fortune, you're prepared to give it up," said Bobby Bridgewater, an Oath Keeper.


An atmosphere of uncertainty now surrounds the Bundy ranch. The so-called security guards aren't sure, but they believe it's possible federal agents are among them, posing as militia.


"You don't know until you actually catch somebody," Bridgewater said. "It is always something that we're always thinking about."


The Bundy supporters gathered in Bunkerville to protect the Bundy family. Cliven Bundy has allowed his cattle to graze illegally for 20 years on public lands. The feds began rounding up the cattle about three weeks ago, but stopped after some armed supporters interfered. Those supporters took Bundy's cattle back from a federal holding pen. The militia continue to guard Bundy and the nearby hills 24 hours a day.


Former Bundy guard Frank Lindysthe says it is all very troubling.


"They are now calling for militia. They're not in dug in positions, they are sitting on top of ridges. They don't have night vision capability," he said.


Lindysthe left the ranch in the middle of the night after at least two men tried joining the guard. He said the men made him uncomfortable.


"The people that are up there, they have a certain look about them. These are military. My belief is federal agents," he said.


Lindysthe feels the alleged federal agents are there to gather information on militia members and eventually conduct a raid.


"They're dirty. They're dirty," he said.


But, despite that belief, most of the militia show no signs of leaving and many say they're ready to die fighting.