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Get Safeway to label its GMOs

James Dubick via CREAO Mobilize

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Aprl 22, 2014

Dear Friends,

Thank you for signing our petition, "Tell Safeway: Label GMOs in Your Products."

With your help, we're getting Safeway's attention. We've showered them with petitions to let them know that their customers care about this issue.

Now for step two: Let’s flood their Facebook page and get them to publicly respond to our campaign.

Will you go to Safeway’s Facebook page and ask them to support GMO labeling?

If we can get loud on social media, it will amplify our message. I know we can get Safeway to be a leader, but they need to hear from you.

Just go to Safeway's Facebook page and post a message like this one on their wall: As a customer, I have a right to know about GMOs. Please label your store-brand products for GMO ingredients.

If possible, please personalize your message -- it will be more compelling if you let Safeway know why this issue is important to you.

Thank you for standing with me on this issue.



P.S. This issue means a lot to me and I really appreciate your support. Can you please share this petition with your friends and family?

Posting something on Facebook or Twitter will only take a second, but will mean that hundreds of people see the petition and can join our movement.







If you don't use social media, then please use email instead to forward this petition link to your friends: