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Devastating news for public lands: Need your signature now

Michael Langenmayr - Daily Kos

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The oil and gas industry is targeting our national forests, wildlife refuges and other public lands as the next frontier in their reckless fracking boom. The consequences could be devastating.


Sign and send the petition from NRDC and Daily Kos to President Obama: Impose a fracking moratorium on all federal lands!


Instead of protecting our natural heritage and its clean water supplies, the Obama Administration is preparing to step aside and let fracking run roughshod over them.


Tell President Obama to rein in Big Oil & Gas by imposing a fracking moratorium on all federal lands.


By adding your name, you'll be joining an all-out campaign to stop the fracking juggernaut from invading our last wild places, threatening our drinking water supplies and devastating more communities across the country.


Sign and send the petition to President Obama.


Keep fighting,

Michael Langenmayr, Daily Kos