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Dave Hodges

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April 14, 2014


The BLM has tucked their tail between their legs and run for cover. Sheriff Mack, the other sheriffs, various state legislators, Oathkeepers and average people who make up our militias personify the words courage, integrity and honor. May God bless and protect every brave soul who went to the aid of a beleaguered family. Our American heroes prevented another Ruby Ridge and Americans should forever be grateful to all who went to the aid of Cliven Bundy. America still has many great people who are worthy of the descriptive term, hero. Cliven Bundy has also demonstrated to the world what is means to be an American and stand up to tyranny and win. Like so many overreaching federal agencies, when confronted, they are cowards and they tuck their collective tails between their legs and run for cover.They Will Be Back

As has been widely reported, the Chinese have paid $4.5 billion dollars to build a solar plant on the Bundy property. The Clark County (NV) Commissioners are on the hook for that money. This is why one of their threatened to send anyone traveling to the aid of Bundy home in a body bag. There is absolutely no way that the Bundy Affair is over.

Sometimes, our personal life experiences prepare us in ways which helps us to understand an event in a manner that the general public will not see because the public does not have the experience. The events at Cliven Bundy’s property is something that I have lived through and I can see clearly what is happening and what is coming. This is much more than a land grab and a case of simple cronyism resulting in a land grab of the Bundy property. This kind of event has been happening and is happening as I write these words. Soon this kind of event will be commonplace.

Nearly all people reporting on this issue see it as a one-time resource grab involving Senator Harry Reid, his sons, the Clark County Commissioners and the Chinese government. The people reporting this are correct. However, this goes much, much further. Unfortunately, I have the experience to recognize this for what this is. Also, I have come across a Bureau of Land Management Policy Manual which spells out what is happening to Bundy and why.

I feel compelled to tell you at this point that my life was endangered when I exposed these connections in my neighborhood. While on the air with Annie DeRiso and Jim Marrs, the building I was in was shot at eight times. This event was recorded on the archives of the Republic Broadcasting Network. Additionally, a pair of men repeatedly tried to run me off the road one Saturday night approximately 6 miles from my home. The event was recorded from my 911 call which lasted 10 minutes, but the transcripts and recordings all disappeared. In both cases, law enforcement covered the crimes committed against me despite the fact that there were multiple witnesses to each event. Each event involved my revelations to the public about John McCain cronyism with the foreign owners of the Canamex Highway system and their plans to steal all property within my rural community. This is precisely why Cliven Bundy’s life is in danger. He is experiencing what I have lived through. You can bet your bottom dollar that the Bundy affair is just getting started and the following paragraphs will demonstrate why this is true.


The Arizona Coalition to Protect Personal Property Rights (ACPPR) vs. Sen. McCain’s Canamex Highway Forces

I live in rural Arizona approximately 20 miles north of metropolitan Phoenix and 20 miles south of Wickenburg, AZ.  Over 10 years ago, 300 homeowners in our immediate area faced an undeclared de facto eminent domain action against us without so much as one dime being offered in compensation. My community responded to challenge by forming the ACPPR and I was asked to be the spokesperson and I later became the director.

My sleepy, rural area had grand designs placed upon us by the forces behind the North American Union and in particular the Canamex Highway which was to connect Mexico with Canada. The highway was to run 8 miles to the west of my home which should not have been a threat to the globalist forces behind this transportation corridor. However, my area was slated as a Canamex international multimodal hub. This meant that 6 miles to the east of home a railway hub, a trucking depository and a small auxiliary airport left over from WW II was to be converted to a small airport to service the goods and services coming into this hub. My community was caught between the highway and the multimodal hub. To make things worse, my community also sits upon the largest underground water aquifer in Arizona known as the Hassayampa. The globalists needed our water to service the hub and they could not allow 300 homes to drain the reservoir. Therefore, the McCain forces convinced local politicians to legislate against us and strip us of all property rights in attempt to force us out over a period of time without paying us for the loss of our homes.

Over an eight year period, I was able to convince several of our Maricopa County Commissioners and a good number of State Legislators as to what was truly happening us. We were able to build a coalition and turn back the McCain group who was working on behalf of the foreign ownership of the Canamex. In short, they wanted our water and our land to build a monolithic infrastructure hub. My subsequent media appearances designed to expose this tyranny is what led me to do the broadcasting and writing that I do today.


The powers that be wanted my community’s water, the globalists want Bundy’s land to build a monolithic energy hub which is powered by solar energy controlled by the Chinese and they want to put it on Bundy’s property and I have the document that proves these claims.

Solar Energy Zones

I have discovered the existence of a BLM document which introduces America to a new Agenda 21 land designation and it called a “Solar Energy Zone”. The smoking gun BLM document is entitled:

Regional Mitigation Strategy for the

Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone

Technical Note 444

Produced by:

Bureau of Land Management

March 2014


The BLM produced document carefully spells out all the Agenda 21 precautions to protect the environment and indigenous wildlife in these newly created Solar Energy Zones. The document specifically mentions the tortoise and it need to be protected, which is at issue in the Bundy case. Every form of species is protected within these Solar Energy Zones except for humans and nothing is mentioned about how land will be acquired through the eminent domain process.

The document makes it clear that land can be acquired to protect local species which could be threatened. This is how the federal government is getting around declaring eminent domain and paying people fair market value for their land, prior to stealing it. This is exactly what my community went through in the last decade in fighting against the Canamex Highway.

Reid, Clark County Commissioners, the Chinese and Cronyism

“The Bureau of Land Management, whose director was Sen. Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) former senior adviser, has purged documents from its web site stating that the agency wants Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle off of the land his family has worked for over 140 years in order to make way for solar panel power stations”.


Most people view the recent events directed at Bundy to be a case of political and economic cronyism. There is certainly that element. However, this is much bigger than the corrupt Harry Reid and his sons. The next few sections will begin to connect the relevant dots and a clearer picture will begin to emerge.


Noted researcher, Vicky Davis, sent me the location of the proposed solar farm where Bundy’s property is located and its neighbor is Nellis Air Force Base. It’s right there  and Harry Reid is aiding and abetting the Red Chinese to locate a facility close the AFB. The same overlap is mentioned in the previously identified BLM Solar Energy Zones document.

When I was serving as the Spokesperson and later as the Director of the ACPPR, I noticed that nearly all Canamex Highways were located adjacent to a military base. I also noticed that the existence of an inland port was located in the same area. And we know that the Chinese are heavily involved in the control of inland ports.