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April 13, 2014

Reveals BLM Special Agent Dan Love and Pete Santilli threatening each other with arrest over violations of U.S. Constitution

Mike Adams

Natural News [1]

April 13, 2014

Natural News has obtained and is now releasing a secret audio recording of a conversation that took place Thursday, April 10th, between Daniel P. Love, Special Agent in Charge of Region 3 of the BLM and Guerilla Media Network [2] radio host Pete Santilli, serving in the role as a communications liaison between the armed citizen protesters and the BLM.

In this recording, you can hear Daniel Love and Pete Santilli discussing life-and-death confrontations, during which Santilli says Daniel Love and the Sheriff of the county will be arrested if they do not uphold their oath to the United States Constitution.

This audio gives us all a special look inside the twisted mind of BLM Special Agent Dan Love who functions as an agent of government tyranny operating in complete violation of the U.S. Constitution even while telling himself he’s backed by the Constitution!

Background: The recording was made during a time when armed citizen protesters were only beginning to arrive, and BLM personnel at the time outnumbered armed citizens. (That situation reversed on Friday when armed citizens vastly outnumbered BLM.)

Click here to hear the audio recording [3] (slightly edited for length, but nothing removed that’s inherent to the conversation).

Recording transcript

Note: I typed this in myself (Mike Adams), late on a Saturday night, so I apologize for typos or errors. Doing my best to get this out ASAP for the sake of liberty in America…

The first voice you hear in this audio is of Pete Santilli asking, “Where’s the cattle?”

The next voice, the lower voice is of Dan Love from BLM. Some of the highlights of the recording, transcribed (this transcript is EDITED for length and continuity, listen to the actual audio if you want every single word).

Santilli: “We want zero conflict. You know, confrontational, nose to nose…” And then later, “Are we going to be here screaming at you, and you’re gonna be tasing, are you gonna do that type of confrontation. What we are trying to do is to completely de-escalate, 100%.”

Santilli: “What we’re going to ask for to de-escalate and to make sure we are not in confrontation with you… we want to let you know that we’re going to come here and it’s going to be non-negotiable what we believe in, and what we believe is the right thing to do.”

Dan Love: “We have two federal court orders, and if you interfere, you will be arrested. If you impede and interfere, you will be taken into custody.”

Santilli: “Tell DC Justice [Eric Holder] this is non-negotiable… but if you choose to go face to face and people get hurt, then we are going to hold you personally accountable.”

Dan Love: “And I will hold you legally accountable. And I guarantee that the Constitution is on my side and not that side… Your Constitutions aren’t decided on the dirt… you can fight that argument from jail.”

Santilli: “It’s not gonna be a fight, it’s gonna be a non-negotiable terms, peacefully. If you bring violence…”

Dan Love: “If you interfere, if you impede, you will be arrested. I don’t know how you plan on arresting me, but good luck with that.”

Santilli: “There are gonna be some law enforcement officials who are gonna be going to jail.”

Dan Love: “Yeah, don’t do that. That’s not gonna end well for ya. That doesn’t happen. And again, I’ve seen your numbers right now, you’d better hope that 10,000 show up…

Dan Love: “You’re telling me you’re gonna show up and arrest officers? That’s not gonna happen, Mr. Santilli.”

Santilli: “If anyone is unconstitutional, is not following to abide by their oath to the U.S. Constitution, they are going to be arrested including the Sheriff of this county.”

Dan Love: “Okay, you start with him, go arrest Mr. Gillespie, and once you accomplish that you come back…”

Santilli: “He will be incarcerated if he fails to uphold his oath to the U.S. Constitution… he will go to jail.”

Dan Love: “I’m telling you right now I’m putting YOU on warning as the messenger, if you violate, if you impede, if you interfere with two lawful court orders, you will be prosecuted, you will be arrested.”

Santilli: “They are unlawful court orders…. I did not come here to do anything but to give you the opportunity to prevent a scenario where you’re going to make a decision to cause harm to people.”

Dan Love: “We’re lawfully here! Do you see all these signs? You’re in an enclosed area, you’re on federal land…”

Santilli: “It’s not federal land.”

Dan Love: “It is federal land. I am positive.”

Santilli: “I’ll bet you lunch.”

Dan Love: “Mr. Santilli, if you were right, I wouldn’t have a job. So you know what? Be right. Get it changed, and then I’m happy not to wear this little gold shield…”

Santilli: “Do you know how dangerous it is for you to run around with a gun and a badge with what you just told me?… That you actually believe that you have the Constitution, and the law behind you, and the entitlement and you have a badge and a gun?”

Dan Love: “If you come unlawfully, to impede or interfere, you will be arrested. Non-negotiable.”

Click here to listen to the full transcript. [3]