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Susan Duclos

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April 11, 2014

NOTE:  One last time the Obama Administration is testing the American people to see if they will roll over and play dead, before he makes his move in Connecticut, Vermont and New York to take the guns away, and then move on to the rest of the states.  The One World Worder is fighting hard to win, and this last big test of ou resolve in Nevada to keep our freedom will determine their next move.
Will you stand up for the Republic or will you roll over and playl dead?  ---PHB

Revolution Now In Nevada – What You Can Do To Fight Back


It is time.


A revolution without a shot fired is possible, and for those that have been wringing their hands over what they have been watching happen to the US and wondering what a single person can do about it, there is plenty.


Quick recap: Cliven Bundy is a racher who in the early 1990s was told that the area he allowed his cattle to graze was all of a sudden off limits, as dictated by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), in order to save some tortoises. He refused to comply since his family had been using that area for longer than the BLM even existed. 


After a long, drawn out battle, now the federal government has come in, surrounded the family, set up de facto martial law, assaulted his son, stolen his cattle, killing many in the process, set up a “First Amendment free speech area,” and have terrorized the whole community in Nevada in the process.


BIN friends and contributor Pete Santilli is there, militias are vowing to go stand with Mr. Bundy, the community is standing with him, and in the video below we see that Blaine Cooper and friends are heading there as well.


For those that cannot travel to stand with them against this brutal regime of federal agents, there is quite a bit that can be done.


SHARE – Every story, every video of the confrontation needs to be shared far and wide, write about it, comment, email those that have not heard, post to Facebook groups, Twitter, and all the other social networking sites.


CALL – The Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval issued a statement of concern over the “free speech” area set up by the fedeal government, Rangers, BLM and other agents, but he hasn’t got off his behind to show up in support of Mr. Bundy….. call his office and express your outrage over what these terrorists in the US government are doing to him.


Call the Senator, the sheriff’s office, every media outlet you can think of that is NOT reporting this situation.


EMAIL: Follow up with emailing all of the above entities, encourage your friends and family to do the same.


Bureau Of Land Management Phone Number:  (202) 208-3801

Brian Sandoval Email Contact Form-

Brian Sandoval – Carson City Phone # - (775) 684-5670

Brian Sandoval Las Vegas Phone # -(702) 486-2500

Senator Dean Heller Contact Form -

Phone #’s For Heller – Reno: 775-686-5770/ Las Vegas: 702-388-6605/ Washington: 202-224-6244

Sheriff Douglas Gillespi - (702) 828-3231 or (702) – 828 – 3111


Now is the time to stand up and be heard because one person can make a difference when one person becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight, and so on……..