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From Jim Stone

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Bundy Ranch comments:

"Feds say it will cost 3 million dollars to round up the cattle and dispose of them" My response:

 I have the solution to the problem. Hire a bunch of cattle rustlers to go in there and steal all the cattle. They will GLADLY do it for FREE. Then just give the Bundy's the "three million" for their grief.

"Feds say this is being done to save the desert tortoise" My response: I don't think cows eat turtles. If the cows were devastating competition for them, they would have been gone in the 1800's

About the "free speech" zone: Has tyranny gone so far that it even has to control where people shout to the desert wind? Obviously so, which is why that same tyranny thinks cows threaten turtles now. Or is it that the land those cows graze on is in fact being sold to China? Maybe Warren Buffet wants it. Who knows. But turtles rule. And they will taste good in China.

UPDATE: The cattle are not being killed and buried, they are in fact being taken by BLM supported cattle rustlers, as I said would be common sense. These rustlers have been given brand new trucks and trailers to do it, and they are selling the cattle at auction FOR PROFIT. THEY ARE SELLING THEM AT AUCTION, THE SAME WAY THE BUNDY FAMILY WOULD HAVE TO MAKE A LIVING. So HOW DO YOU GET A $3 MILLION LOSS OUT OF STEALING A FORTUNE IN CATTLE AND SELLING IT? GOOD QUESTION, THE ONLY ANSWER TO WHICH IS OBVIOUS OUT OF CONTROL CORRUPTION.

The area is 600,000 acres. That is HUGE. And if you get out of your car on any of the roads you are immediately arrested and taken to federal prison, for committing a federal crime. Infrared sensors are in place all throughout the desert now, and there are numerous private corporate "blackwater" snipers on the hills. No one has been shot yet, but the state is certainly set for that.

Rising up peacefully is NOT the answer. You cannot peacefully remove any tyranny, tyranny laughs at people who think "peace" can bring about change in a system enforced by state sponsored violence. They brought the guns to the party FIRST.

-Original post- After looking over some of the videos and seeing what is going on out in Nevada, I firmly believe this is no hoax.

Citing illegal land usage, the BLM moved in on a ranch which has been in place since the wild west days, and had paid cattle rustlers go in and steal the cattle. Some of the cattle were also killed and buried with backhoes. The only difference between this and Waco is that at Waco people were actually targeted and killed, and with the Bundy ranch, a family legacy was destroyed. Both were grave rights violations.

I believe that what happened with the Bundy ranch was the result of continuous encroaching regulations and arrogance of the government, and that the Bundy family actually still had a truthful right to continue using the land under the law. Most likely the BLM was given unlawful orders to destroy the ranch and it's cattle and they followed through on them. I am still looking into this story and will post updates. I have been to many protests, and know the CIA ones from the real ones. The video Farganne posted was of a real one, I have no idea why he doubts it.


Bundy Ranch comments: