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April 10, 2014


Military Snipers, hardware, and support people, are on the ground in the middle of this skirmish, with the full intention of murdering people when given the order to fire. Having military personnel involved in this matter is proof positive that the United States Military has zero allegiance to the American people, and will gun them down without hesitation. "I hear people say that the Americas' Military would not fire on American Civilians, that they are loyal to the American people, and that such a thing could never happen, which makes me view such pie-in-the-sky nonsense, as yet more examples of successful mass brainwashing.


Make  no mistake, the military will be used against the people on location.

The Military will gun down these people, and then afterwards torch the place.

The US regular Military do not give one damn about the American people, and in fact have nothing but contempt for them, no different than any other civilian population.

If there were good guys in the active military, they would be on location right now, "defending the ranchers against all enemies, both foreign and domestic", but there isn't, and there won't be, because there aren't any.


Let this event, and those who will probably be giving up their lives to show you, that America has been take over by the most vile bunch of bastards and pricks this country has ever seen, and worse yet, they have the United States Regular Military behind them.


This government will eventually have to turn the Albigensians' loose on us all, and they know it.