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FW;  April 9, 2014


EmmanelleEmmanuel Giboulot, an organic wine grower of 40 years with 10 hectares in the Cote d’Or, is in prison for refusing to spray harmful pesticides on his vineyard. He faces up to six months imprisonment and a 30,000€ fine.

Last June, to counter an epic vine disease, the Prefect of the Côte d’Or made a radical decision that all wineries should treat their vines against “leaf hoppers” – the insect which spreads the disease.

The problem is that even the least polluting insecticides against leafhopper kills bees and beneficial insects.

Since Emmanuel Giboulot has worked over 40 years to preserve the biological balance of his vineyard, he decided to fight the leafhopper by choosing to use well-known natural treatments instead. When the inspector found that Emmanuel did not spray the pesticide – he was arrested. Now on February 24th he will be standing alongside sex offenders and hardened criminals and charged.

Facebook garnered 35,000 supporters and now the following petition is being circulated and has reach almost 200,000 signatures – stating that, “Farmers who use natural methods should be commended and exemplified, not subject to the terror of legal repression.”

The official declaration of support for Emmanuel Giboulot can be signed here.