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The Supreme Court has just handed control of our democracy to the Koch Brothers.

Paul Ferris, SumOfUs

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April l3, 2014

This is Citizens United 2.0 -- and it doesn't look good. Gone are the caps on how much total money a friendly billionaire can hand out across an election. Gone with it, any pretense that American democracy is anything other than a sideshow to growing corporate power and corporate control.

Lots of people will say that we need to regain control of a Supreme Court that's lost all check on reality, or pass a constitutional amendment to get money out of politics. And they're right -- we do. But both of these things are years away -- and we need to respond to this today.

Until we confront the corporate power behind these decisions, we can't hope to regain control of our politics. The fact is, most of Congress was bought and sold years ago. To stand a chance on eliminating big money from politics, we have to take the fight to the corporations and the Koch Brothers.

Here's our plan, starting right now: in the next 6 weeks, dozens of major US corporations will hold their annual shareholder meetings. Many of their shareholders are as outraged as we are at the millions they are spending to influence elections -- and they're telling these companies, as owners, to stop buying elections.

These brave shareholders win their votes only if they can show the companies the reputational risk at stake from buying up our politicians. Well, let's show them.  

Can you chip in $25 now to organize protests and public demonstrations outside at least three major corporate annual shareholder meetings this month and next, to to keep fighting to keep corporate money out of our democracy? 

Yes, I'll chip in $25 to take the fight to corporations and keep their money out of our politics!

With your support, we'll be in touch soon with more details -- but we need to start responding right now to win this fight.

Thanks for making your voices heard,

Paul and the team at