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Strike at the Heart of Obamacare

Rand Paul

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April 1, 2014

All around us, you and I can see the disastrous effects of an out-of-control government addicted to spending other people's money.

Yet we're constantly told more and bigger government will save the day.

But you and I know better, and millions of Americans are already getting just a small taste of the damaging impact ObamaCare will have on our nation.

As you'll see in the below email from my father, and C4L Chairman, Ron Paul, we're at a crucial point in the battle against ObamaCare.

And Campaign for Liberty needs your help to strike right at the heart of the law: the Individual Mandate.

But they can only claim victory if grassroots Americans like you help them pour constant and intense pressure on Capitol Hill to end the Mandate!

So please read my father's email below and take action right away!

In Liberty,

Rand Signature

Rand Paul, MD

U.S. Senator (R-KY)

Campaign for Liberty

"I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."

As a doctor who practiced as an OB-GYN for nearly four decades, I learned quickly those are the last words you ever want to hear - ESPECIALLY when it comes to health care.

Just take a look at what's happening all over America right now "thanks" to ObamaCare.

Skyrocketing insurance premiums. Lost health insurance. Lost jobs. Workers being forced from full-time to part-time work. Doctors leaving their practices. Patients being denied medical care. And it's all about to get much, much WORSE!

Right now is a very crucial time in our battle to unravel and repeal ObamaCare. I'll explain more about why that's true shortly . . .

But first, it’s absolutely vital you immediately sign the End the Mandate petition to your U.S. Representative and Senators C4L has prepared for you!

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Even according to estimates from within the federal government itself, ObamaCare could result in:

*** Its government-funded subsidies leading more Americans to withdraw from the job market or settle for part-time employment - adding up to the equivalent of 2.5 MILLION lost jobs in ten years.

*** A massive increase in our national debt. When the final bills come due, ObamaCare could add $6.2 TRILLION to the trillions of national debt burdening our children and grandchildren. How can any politician in their right mind think we can afford any more of this madness?

*** At least 30 million American citizens still being uninsured, while others lose their insurance and are forced into the ObamaCare "exchanges"!

So all the American people "get" from all the economic pain we're seeing today is NOTHING but a bigger, more bloated, and more inefficient government - AND poorer quality health care to boot!

To sum up, ObamaCare is nothing short of a DISASTER.

And nervous politicians in BOTH parties know they have nowhere to run from the harsh, cold reality that government simply CANNOT effectively run American health care, our economy, or our lives. That's why right now is so critical . . .

Instead of admitting their mistakes, there's nothing politicians love more than masking over them.

So the way unemployment is calculated gets "tweaked."

The Fed just prints money out of thin air when all of Congress' taxing, spending, and borrowing can't make ends meet.

And BOTH parties in Washington, D.C. just continue to cut smoky backroom deals to duct tape over our fiscal problems and kick the can down the road . . .

Now, politicians in both parties are feverishly looking for another quick "fix" for ObamaCare - while President Obama tries to shield his congressional allies from the effects of the law with Executive Orders "delaying" parts of it.

Should Obama and his allies succeed, it would only entrench this law on the books, lock in its costs, and allow ObamaCare's biggest apologists to get off scot-free in November 2014.

That's why it's critical you and I send a loud-and-clear message to Washington, D.C. that quick fixes won't cut it.

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Instead, you and I must DEMAND Congress strike at the very heart of the ObamaCare scheme by ending the health insurance mandate.

Just like virtually every other Big Government program, ObamaCare depends on government force to "work" - forcing most Americans to buy health insurance whether they want it or not.

Once this linchpin is pulled, the whole ObamaCare scheme will fall apart.

I know President Obama has used Executive Orders to rewrite the law and give business owners a reprieve from the mandate to provide health insurance for a limited time. Why shouldn't individuals get a PERMANENT reprieve?

The good news is, I believe if you and I can turn up enough heat, Congress will respond. They have to.

Even ObamaCare's biggest backers know November 2014 is coming at them like a freight train. They know ObamaCare threatens to turn their reelection bids into a disaster.

They're scared stiff and desperately seeking a solution.

That's why your END THE MANDATE petition is so critical.

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If you and I can turn up enough pressure, we can FORCE Congress to not just paper over ObamaCare's problems.

To not just kick the can down the road. To not just agree to a quick "fix" that leaves ObamaCare on the books to torture American citizens for years to come. But to DESTROY the entire ObamaCare monstrosity.

Right now, Campaign for Liberty staff is busy finalizing a MASSIVE plan designed to force congressional action.

This three-part plan includes:

1) Grassroots activism projects conducted by local C4L State Coordinators designed to pressure politicians in BOTH parties into ENDING THE MANDATE;

2) Contacting up to 12 million Americans via mail and email explaining why it's so critical you and I END THE MANDATE;

3) Running hard-hitting Internet, radio, and even TV ads calling on my former colleagues in Washington, D.C. to take action before ObamaCare wrecks our entire economy.

None of this is cheap, of course. But neither is ObamaCare.

EVERY American will pay a steep price if you and I can't force Congress to END THE MANDATE.

So won’t you please agree to your most generous contribution of $30 right away? Of course, I know that’s a lot to ask for.

After spending so many years as a practicing physician, I can't tell you how much I worry about the future of American health care. And I can't tell you how much I fear for hardworking families and small businesses struggling to make ends meet.

But if $30 is just too much, won’t you please agree to your most generous contribution of $20 or at least $10?

Politicians now find their noses stuck right in the mess they've created with ObamaCare. This is our chance to END THE MANDATE. We can't miss this opportunity.

Please sign your petition and chip in whatever you can afford right away.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul


P.S. Politicians in BOTH parties now find their noses stuck right in the mess they've created with ObamaCare.

That means you and I have a chance to strike at the very heart of this monstrosity by ENDING THE MANDATE. But it won't happen without your action.

So please sign your END THE MANDATE petition to your U.S. Representative and Senators and chip in $30, $20, or $10 right away!

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