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It's time to sidestep Harry Reid and Obama

Martin Fox - Pro-Life Alliance

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mARCH 18, 2104

I have great news!

Working with Senator Rand Paul's staff, we have developed a strategy that will allow us to force a vote on the Life at Conception Act . . . even over Senator Harry Reid's parliamentary roadblocks.

By introducing the bill under a special procedure known as Rule 14, we can demand and get a recorded vote with the support of only 15 other Senators.

That's why I'm writing you to sign our special petitions to your Senators and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

It's urgent that you and I mobilize a tidal wave of public pressure to force a vote and put every Senator on record.

Together we can force every Senator to go on public record:

*** whether they support Roe v. Wade's invention by nine unelected judges, striking down even the most minor regulations on abortion-on-demand, OR

*** whether they pass the Life at Conception Act to bypass Roe v. Wade, saving the lives of more than 4,000 unborn babies every day.

My friend, we are closer than many people realize to our goal.

But to achieve our ultimate goal of overturning Roe v. Wade and ending abortion-on-demand it's clear that our number one obstacle is the U.S. Senate.

That's why the number one legislative objective of your National Pro-Life Alliance is to break the Senate logjam by forcing a vote on Senator Paul's Life at Conception Act this year.

But to do so, you and I must double down the public pressure on every wavering Senator.

You can play a critical role in helping me do just that.

You see, through extensive testing, we have found that when we write potential new supporters, the responses nearly doubled if I can promise that their contribution will be doubled through a matching grant.

And the fact is, the more people who respond, the more impact your National Pro-Life Alliance can have on swing politicians.

This past year, with your help, we added more than 250,000 new members and supporters.

Over the next three months, you and I could double that recruitment if I could offer to match their contribution with a Pro-Life Matching Grant of at least $125,000.

To get started right away, we've set a deadline of raising these funds by midnight, March 27.

This Pro-Life Matching Grant would mean thousands of additional pro-life activists in target swing states.

Now a Matching Grant is normally only something that a very wealthy person can create.  But, by pooling resources, you don't have to be a millionaire to do the same thing.

Will you accept our $125,000 Matching Grant Challenge?

And just as importantly, will you sign your petition demanding both Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and your two Senators force votes on the Life at Conception Act?

After you sign your petition, please make a contribution to the Matching Grant Challenge.

It's vital you respond right away before the March 27 deadline.

Thanks to the efforts of you and other National Pro-Life Alliance members we have had a record number of cosponsors on the Life at Conception Act to end abortion-on-demand in the last Congress.

And we're currently on course to break that record number in this Congress.

But it's time to take it to the next level.

And to do that, I need to be able to recruit more members and more Senate Life at Conception Act cosponsors -- because you and I cannot fight this battle alone.

Which is why I am working to identify and mobilize half a million new members and supporters in targeted states across the country.

Because as we continue to build pressure, you and I can force each and every Senator to do the right thing, or face the political consequences.

That's why it's vital you sign your petition to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and your two U.S. Senators right away.

And why it's so important that you and I reach the $125,000 goal to create this Matching Grant Challenge by midnight March 27.

So please, after signing your petition, chip in with a contribution of $5 or $10 right away. 

Let's face facts.

You and I simply cannot rely on the so-called "mainstream media" to keep this information before the American people.

That's why I've prepared a four-point plan to force Senate votes on the Life at Conception Act . . . and I need YOUR help every step of the way.

With your matching contribution, we'll intensify:

*** Massive, high-tech phone banks to identify and mobilize tens of thousands of pro-life votes in target swing states and districts.

*** Special targeted mailings to committed, pro-life Americans urging them to demand their Congressmen and Senators cosponsor and vote for the Life at Conception Act.

*** TV, radio and newspaper advertising in targeted states that will keep pro-abortion politicians on the spot simply by exposing their pro-abortion voting records.

*** Personal editor briefings for like-minded writers, columnists, talk-radio hosts and other opinion shapers.

By helping fund this critical Matching Grant Challenge, you and other NPLA members can more than double the impact you can each have alone as we mobilize hundreds of thousands of new pro-lifers.

That's why I hope you'll accept the Matching Grant Challenge and send in your most generous contribution right away.

When matched by a new donor, your contribution of $5 will have the impact of $10.  It will help shine a bright spotlight on pro-abortion Senators and wolves in sheeps' clothing hiding behind pro-life slogans. 

That means you would be giving $10 to our battle! Or if you could possibly send $10 -- that means NPLA's program would really receive $20! 

But no matter what you can do, it's vital you sign your petition and make your most generous contribution IMMEDIATELY.

With the help of pro-life Americans like you, your National Pro-Life Alliance can put every member of the Senate on record for or against the rights of the unborn to life.

And more activists means more support.

So please act today.

Whether you can give $5 or $20, each dollar you give will provide your National Pro-Life Alliance with the opportunity to appeal to even more pro-lifers. 

It's vital funding is in place for the Matching Grant Challenge by midnight, March 27.

But no matter how much you can give, please sign your petition for the Life at Conception Act at once.

For Life,

Martin Fox, President

National Pro-Life Alliance

P.S. Your petition to both your Senators and particularly Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell will be vital in our effort to force votes on the Life at Conception Act in the Senate.

And your contribution to the $125,000 Matching Grant Challenge will allow me to double your money and recruit half a million new pro-life activists at the same time.

Please respond at once.

It's vital funding is in place for the Matching Grant Challenge by midnight, March 27.