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Now the Battle Goes to the Senate

Norm Singleton - Campaign for Liberty

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March 3, 2014

We are at a crucial point in our battle to block the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) proposed “gag” rule that would prevent Campaign for Liberty and like-minded groups from making communications that take place:

“... within 60 days of a general election (or within 30 days of a primary election) and clearly identify a candidate or political party." [IRS Regulation IR-2013-92]

I will provide more details about the next step in our efforts in a moment, but first I want to update you on our progress and let you know how C4L members are making a difference on this issue.

Last week, the House of Representatives passed the Stop Targeting of Political Beliefs by the IRS Act (H.R. 3865) by a vote of 243-176.

This legislation blocks the IRS from implementing its gag rule for one year and was passed by a much wider margin than expected . . .

. . . a result that was incredibly strong thanks to the efforts of Campaign for Liberty members like you and other liberty-loving activists who demanded Congress stop the IRS from muzzling Campaign for Liberty and like-minded groups.

Getting this bill passed in the House by such a large margin was a great victory.  But we are going to have to work even harder to get this bill through the Senate, and we do not have a moment to lose.

So please sign your Fax Petition to the Senate urging your senators to follow the House’s lead and pass the Stop Targeting of Political Beliefs by the IRS Act (S. 2011) right away.

Last week, as part of the IRS’ “comment period” on the rule, an influential group of Big Government-loving senators — including Chuck Schumer of New York, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, and Patrick Leahy of Vermont — submitted comments to the IRS in support of the rule.

These senators actually urged the IRS to go through with their plans to stop C4L and like-minded groups from letting you know how they stand on key liberty issues 60 days before a general election and 30 days before a primary — the very time when Americans are most interested in such information!

And while only ten other senators joined Schumer, Warren, and Leahy in publicly supporting the IRS, I’m fully confident many more politicians in both parties are secretly hoping this rule goes into effect.

These politicians are tired of Campaign for Liberty letting you know about how they are siding with Janet Yellen, the Banksters, and the Wall Street special interests against the nearly 75% of Americans who support Audit the Fed.

They are also eager to have the IRS stop us from telling you which politicians are refusing to take action to protect your liberty, privacy, and dignity from the National Security Agency (NSA).

And they would certainly be glad to have the IRS stop us from telling you about how they are unwilling to fight to save America from the ObamaCare disaster.

You can see why Schumer, Warren, and their allies might be working with Harry Reid to make sure S. 2011 never sees the light of day.

The only way to force the Senate to stop this nightmare for the grassroots is for you and me to loudly make our voices heard while we still can.

So please sign your Fax Petition to the Senate in support of the Stop Targeting of Political Beliefs by the IRS Act today.

And, if you can, please chip in to support our fight against the IRS gage rule with a contribution of $50, $40, $30, $20, or $10.

Campaign for Liberty is working hard to defeat this rule.  We are determined to flood the Senate with faxes, e-mails, and phone calls demanding that Congress pass the bill.

Your support will ensure that even with so many other battles going on, we can fight back against the IRS gag rule, which, if it takes effect, will cripple our ability to make major progress on our core issues.

So please sign your Fax Petition to the Senate in support of the Stop Targeting of Political Beliefs by the IRS Act today, and, if you are able, support Campaign for Liberty’s efforts with whatever you can pitch in at this time!

In Liberty,

Norman Singleton

Vice President of Policy

P.S. Last week, the House passed the Stop Targeting of Political Beliefs by the IRS Act (H.R. 3865), legislation blocking (for one year) the IRS’ proposed rule muzzling Campaign for Liberty and like-minded groups 60 days before a general election and 30 days before a primary.

This victory is due to the actions of Campaign for Liberty members like you and other liberty-loving activists who demanded Congress stop the IRS’ latest assault on the First Amendment!

But we must intensify our efforts if we are going to convince Harry Reid and his statist cronies to pass the Senate version (S. 2011).  After all, many politicians want the IRS to stop C4L and like-minded groups from letting you know where they stand on Audit the Fed, reining in the NSA, repealing ObamaCare, and other important free market issues.