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Jodi Swan

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Feb. 23, 2014

A soldier’s letter sheds light on a problem that is becoming more and more frightening everyday. Some have wondered why the military doesn’t come to our aid against the tyrannical administration which is currently devastating our country.

This is one brave military man’s response to that question:

“Here’s the problem for us soldiers: we can’t trust each other, as there are those who are extreme liberals, socialists, and those who love the current administration.

We’re infiltrated with these traitors and we don’t know how to organize without others turning us in and sabotaging our plans. That’s just one problem. Outside of that, as an organization we have become plagued with disfunction, toxicity, illness, injuries, and betrayal.

It does not allow for a good foundation at the current moment for us to clean house for a country.

They know this. They created the environment as it is right now. We didn’t see it until it was too late. Militants are forming, but in small pockets, and unable to fully unite and plan our strategies in secrecy. And there are watch dogs out there watching us attempt to plan.

I’m sure every word I am typing right now is watched. There is no privacy in which we can operate on our own soil. Our best efforts will only be when they place us on orders against you. That is when we will know what soldiers will bleed for you, and which are loyal to this regime.”

These words are extremely chilling coming from someone within the United States military. We have a President who has literally divided the American people against themselves to the point where we are dangerously close to another Civil War.

Share this with your vigilant Conservative friends. The liberal community will surely dismiss it as fanatical rightwing nonsense, or just consider it as more ammunition for their agenda.

If we do not stand up and do something about this socialist/communist/marxist movement within the government, McCarthy’s interrogations of suspected communist leaders and celebrities will be a foreshadowing of something even more dire in our future.

Can you imagine a day when they put Conservatives, Republicans, and the Tea Party on trial? ”Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the Tea Party?”. I promise you, that is not a radical thought. It is a reality that we very well may have to face if we don’t begin to do something now.



A soldier’s letter sheds light on a problem that is becoming more and more frightening everyday. Some have wondered why the military doesn’t come to our aid against the tyrannical administration which is currently devastating our country.

Soldier, ‘We Can’t Trust Each Other, Obama’s Divided Us, We’re Dangerously Close to Civil War

This is one brave military man’s response to that question:

“Here’s the problem for us soldiers: we can’t trust each other, as there are those who are extreme liberals, socialists, and those who love the current administration.

We’re infiltrated with these traitors and we don’t know how to organize without others turning us in and sabotaging our plans. That’s just one problem. Outside of that, as an organization we have become plagued with disfunction, toxicity, illness, injuries, and betrayal.

It does not allow for a good foundation at the current moment for us to clean house for a country.

They know this. They created the environment as it is right now. We didn’t see it until it was too late. Militants are forming, but in small pockets, and unable to fully unite and plan our strategies in secrecy. And there are watch dogs out there watching us attempt to plan.

I’m sure every word I am typing right now is watched. There is no privacy in which we can operate on our own soil. Our best efforts will only be when they place us on orders against you. That is when we will know what soldiers will bleed for you, and which are loyal to this regime.”

These words are extremely chilling coming from someone within the United States military. We have a President who has literally divided the American people against themselves to the point where we are dangerously close to another Civil War.

Share this with your vigilant Conservative friends. The liberal community will surely dismiss it as fanatical rightwing nonsense, or just consider it as more ammunition for their agenda.

If we do not stand up and do something about this socialist/communist/marxist movement within the government, McCarthy’s interrogations of suspected communist leaders and celebrities will be a foreshadowing of something even more dire in our future.

Can you imagine a day when they put Conservatives, Republicans, and the Tea Party on trial? ”Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the Tea Party?”. I promise you, that is not a radical thought. It is a reality that we very well may have to face if we don’t begin to do something now.



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