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Tell the EPA: Don't let BP drill for oil in the Gulf

Zack Malitz, CREDO Action

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Feb. 21, 2014

Tell the EPA:

"BP caused the worst oil spill in American history, devastating the Gulf Coast, and then lied to Congress about it. Don't lift BP's suspension from bidding on federal contracts and oil leases."

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Since pleading guilty to criminal charges related to the catastrophic Gulf of Mexico oil spill, BP has rightly been suspended by the Obama administration from bidding on federal contracts and oil leases.

But according to the president of BP America, the EPA is close to cutting a deal which would lift the suspension and allow BP to start securing federal contracts and even new leases to drill for oil in the Gulf of Mexico.1

Just 14 months after pleading guilty to its crimes, BP shouldn't be rewarded with lucrative federal contracts and allowed to open up shop in our Gulf. Not now, not ever.

Tell the EPA: Don't lift BP's suspension from bidding on federal contracts and oil leases. Click here to automatically sign the petition.

BP's criminal actions in the Gulf had irreversible consequences that could last for decades or longer. Its massive oil spill devastated ecosystems, harmed the region's economy and residents' health, and killed 11 people.

Even before the Deepwater Horizon disaster and BP's conviction on 11 counts of manslaughter, environmental crimes -- including violating the Clean Water Act -- and lying to Congress about the size of the Gulf oil spill, the company was already on probation for a 2005 explosion at its Texas City refinery, which killed 15 people.2

Contrary to BP's propaganda, the Gulf has not recovered from the horrific effects of the 2010 oil spill.3 It could be years before we fully understand the impact of BP's oil spill, and it's unclear when, if ever, the Gulf will fully recover from the damage.

Because BP cut corners and ignored safety regulations, people died and the entire Gulf Coast region suffered decades of damage.4

It's simple: Actions have consequences, and criminally negligent companies should be held responsible -- not let off the hook. After being responsible for the largest oil spill in American history, BP shouldn't be trusted with our safety, and shouldn't be rewarded with lucrative federal contracts -- certainly not to drill for more oil in the Gulf.

Tell the EPA: Don't lift BP's suspension from bidding on federal contracts and oil leases. Click here to automatically sign the petition.

Zack Malitz, Campaign Manager

CREDO Action from Working Assets

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1. Janet McConnaughey, "BP America prez: getting closer to EPA agreement," Associated Press, February 19, 2014

2. Collin Eaton, Carl Barbier, and Carl Tobias, "BP digs in as last leg of Gulf oil spill trial approaches," FuelFix, February 2, 2014

3. Mark Schleifstein, "First Gulf oil spill natural resource study reveals extensive damage in shoreline, deepwater habitats," The Times-Picayune, December 6, 2013

4. Matthew Daly and Ray Henry, "BP cut corners in days before oil well blowout in Gulf of Mexico, documents say," The Associated Press, June 14, 2010