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#RenewUI Using Extra $$ in the War Budget

Robert Naiman-MoveOn

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Feb. 19, 2014

Nearly 10,000 people have signed our petition demanding that Congress extend aid to the long-term unemployed and tap the extra money in the war budget to pay for it.  But if we are going to have the impact we want, we need to double this number. Senators like Bernie Sanders have already shown their willingness to tap the extra money in the war budget for human needs, like reversing the cut to military pensions for veterans and those in service.

With your help, we can sway Members of Congress like Sanders to tap the extra money in the war budget to pay for extending aid to the long-term unemployed.  


Please sign the petition at MoveOn, if you haven't already, and share this link to the petition at MoveOn with five of your friends right now

Thank you for all you do,

Robert Naiman

Just Foreign Policy


Dear Robert, 

Just over a week ago, the Senate failed to pass a three-month extension of assistance to the long-term unemployed due to disagreements over how to pay for it. While many object to offsetting an extension of unemployment assistance with cuts elsewhere, there is no plausible political path now for extending assistance to the long-term unemployed that does not include an offset.

Fortunately, the roughly $6 billion cost can be covered by cutting $5.7 billion from the war budget that never belonged there in the first place. [1] The President never requested this money; Congress put the money there to pay for Pentagon contractor pork that wouldn't fit in the base Pentagon budget. If that money isn't redirected to some useful purpose, it's going to be wasted on Pentagon contractor pork.

Sign our petition at MoveOn to Congress and the President telling them to use the $5.7 billion of unrequested funding in the war budget to help 1.7 million unemployed Americans and their families rather than waste it on Pentagon contractor pork.

The war in Afghanistan is a waste of resources as well as lives. We should bring our troops home and use the money for human needs instead. But if we want to cut the war budget, we have to start somewhere, and the easiest place to start is by cutting the money that President Obama didn’t even ask for.

Sign and share our petition to Congress and the President:


Robert Naiman, Chelsea Mozen, and Megan Iorio

Just Foreign Policy


1. Extend Unemployment Assistance by Cutting the War Budget,” Robert Naiman, Huffington Post, February 17, 2014,