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And Now for the REAL News: 80,000 March on Raleigh NC Feb 8th


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Feb. 12, 2014

Thanks, Richard.

Yes, 80,000 people from 32 states let the government know they aren’t happy—and the lamestream media ignored it.

There’s only one reason corporate media ignores events like this. They don’t want us to know. Saying nothing, however, is the same as airing it with a wicked spin. It’s all designed to carefully craft a reality of their choosing for the automatons; to support the rogue federal government.

I hope more people are realizing that the mass media outlets don’t share the REAL news—they concoct FAKE news and meaningless, slanted blather. They do their best to slide legislation by The People and hope that, as in decades past, The People will continue snoozing and pretend they don’t notice.

It’s apparent from the many demonstrations, marches and protests these past couple of years in the USA that at least some Americans are waking up and are ready to do what it takes to let the elite know they are not going to take it lying down any more. Immoral legislation is not okay.

I have to say, though, that I will be pleased when they also realize that conservatives, democrats, republicans, tea party—apart from superficial nuances—are the same; divisive ploys, and it’s absurd the way one is pitted against the other, forcing voters to take sides, creating even more rifts.

It’s time Americans worked TOGETHER toward a common cause. But who knows what that IS? First they must figure that out—and when they do—look out Illuminati!  ~ BP