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Emergency: Obama's IRS to hamstring political speech

Martn Fox

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Feb. 11, 2014

At this moment, the Obama administration's new IRS regulations to shut down freedom of speech are waiting to go into effect.


And in less than three weeks, your chance to comment on these new regulations will end.


If IRS [Regulation IR-2013-92] goes through, your National Pro-Life Alliance would be subject to IRS audits and harassment for, "Communications that are made within 60 days of a general election (or within 30 days of a primary election) and clearly identify a candidate or political party."


The fact is, this regulation is designed to stop groups like NPLA from informing or mobilizing voters in support of pro-life positions as an election nears!


That's why it's vital you make your voice heard before the comment period ends on February 27.


We've prepared a fax petition for you to add your name to.


We will flood the IRS office with you and your fellow NPLA supporters petitions, letting them know you oppose this attempt to limit freedom of speech.


Please click here to sign your Pro-Life Freedom of Speech Petition now.



Voice your opinion and help the National Pro-Life Alliance lay the groundwork to ultimately win a Supreme Court lawsuit against IRS [Regulation IR-2013-92].


If the IRS regulation goes into effect, it is important we show Obama's bureaucrats completely ignored more than a quarter million petitions in opposition from NPLA members and other pro-lifers.


Please click here to sign your Pro-Life Freedom of Speech Petition now.


And after you sign, please make an emergency contribution of $10, $25 or more to help collect more petitions and take a stand against this assault on freedom of speech.


For Life,

Martin Fox, President

National Pro-Life Alliance