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The results are in!

John Tate

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FEb. 8, 2014

As Campaign for Liberty gets underway with our programs this year, I wanted to let you know the results of our 2014 Campaign for Liberty Membership Ballot.


Nearly 70% of our members chose “fight everywhere” as their top priority for C4L in 2014!


Single issues followed, ranked in the order of passing Audit the Fed, repealing ObamaCare’s individual mandate, protecting our Fourth Amendment rights, fighting back in 2014, and stopping the National ID database.



With our members’ input - and with so many pressing challenges to our liberties - my staff and I are planning to fight harder than ever this year on all fronts!


Here's a brief summary of some of our plans to advance the issues of importance to you and other Campaign for Liberty members:


1.) Audit the Fed: Campaign for Liberty made great progress on our efforts to convince Harry Reid to hold a roll call vote on Audit the Fed (H.R. 24/S. 209) in 2013. Now we are working to capitalize on those gains.


In addition to getting ready to launch a major grassroots mobilization effort, Campaign for Liberty staffers will soon be conducting personal meetings on Capitol Hill with House and Senate members who have not yet cosponsored Audit the Fed.


Our staffers will deliver your Audit the Fed petitions and explain to Hill offices the importance of opening up the Fed's books so Congress - and the American people - can finally learn the truth about the Fed's operations.


Campaign for Liberty is also planning to host a Capitol Hill staff briefing on Audit the Fed later this year featuring leading experts in monetary policy and Federal Reserve transparency.


Our goal is to get a majority of the House and Senate signed on as cosponsors and to finally force Harry Reid to side with nearly 75% of the American people by holding a vote on Audit the Fed.


2.) Repeal ObamaCare: Campaign for Liberty will take advantage of ObamaCare's growing unpopularity by launching an effort to repeal the individual mandate, which forces almost every American to purchase a government-approved health insurance policy.


The individual mandate is both ObamaCare’s foundation and, since it is the most unpopular part of the law, Achilles’ heel.


Although the House Republican leadership has indicated they do not wish to wage a fight against ObamaCare this year, I believe if we show them sufficient grassroots support, they will advance legislation repealing the individual mandate, forcing Harry Reid to choose between protecting an unpopular program or helping his Senate colleagues who are bearing the brunt of the ObamaCare backlash.


3.) Protect Our Fourth Amendment Rights: Following last year's revelations that the NSA was collecting mass amounts of data on average Americans, Campaign for Liberty members turned up the heat on the House in support of Justin Amash's amendment to the Defense appropriations bill reining in the NSA. Thanks to your efforts, the amendment came within 12 votes of passing!


This year, we will devote even more efforts to stopping the federal government from “monitoring" your email, phone, and Internet activities.


Campaign for Liberty will be working with Representative Amash, Senator Paul, and other pro-Fourth Amendment Senators and Representatives to pass legislation ending warrantless wiretapping, mass surveillance, and other infringements on your Fourth Amendment rights.


4.) Fight Back in 2014: Campaign for Liberty is already in the process of running a robust Federal Candidate Survey program this year so we can let pro-liberty Americans know where candidates stand on important issues – and hold our elected officials accountable to their word.


In addition to our Federal Candidate Survey, state C4L activists are also surveying state officials to get them on the record on critical local-level issues.


5.) Defeat the National ID Database: Last year, Campaign for Liberty and our members were on the frontlines in the fight to stop the statists’ attempt to implement a National ID system.


When GOP leadership announced last week that mandatory E-Verify would be a major component of their so-called “immigration reform” efforts, we again alerted our members.


A few days ago, Speaker Boehner, facing intense backlash regarding his proposals, reversed course and announced the House would not likely consider any immigration legislation this year.


Campaign for Liberty will watch this situation closely and will be ready to again mobilize grassroots Americans against the National ID if the Speaker has a change of heart.


Thank you once again for your continued support of our efforts. As you can see, 2014 presents us with great opportunities to make progress on our pro-liberty agenda.


I hope you find this report on the results of our 2014 Membership Ballot useful and will consider chipping in to support our efforts with a contribution of $50, $30, $20, or just $10 today to help us make this our movement’s best year yet!


In Liberty,

John Tate



P.S. The results of our 2014 Membership Ballot are clear! Nearly 70% of respondents said “fight everywhere,” with single issues following in the order of passing Audit the Fed, repealing ObamaCare’s individual mandate, protecting our Fourth Amendment rights, fighting back in 2014, and stopping the National ID database!


And “fight everywhere” is exactly what we are going to do this year!


Please help us make this our movement’s best and most impactful year yet by chipping in $50, $30, $20, or even $10 today!