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With AIPAC Reeling, Let's Push the House to Support Diplomacy

Just Foreign Policy

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Feb. 4, 2014

Who knew we’d live to see this glorious day? The New York Times is reporting that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)’s efforts to pass a bill in the Senate to cripple diplomacy with Iran have stalled, and concludes that AIPAC has lost influence in Washington. [1] Hallelujah!

Now we have a great opportunity to take the fight to the House, where more than 70 Representatives are circulating a letter supporting U.S.-Iran diplomacy and opposing new sanctions and other measures that would kill the talks. [2]

Getting Members of Congress to stay off a nefarious bill is important, but it’s even more significant when we can get them to publicly endorse realistic diplomacy to end the U.S.-Iran conflict.

Urge your Representative to sign the diplomacy letter now.

Thanks for all you do to help bring about a just foreign policy,

Robert Naiman, Chelsea Mozen, and Megan Iorio

Just Foreign Policy

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1. “Potent Pro-Israel Group Finds Its Momentum Blunted,” Mark Landler, New York Times, Feb. 3, 2014,

2. "Another big blow to the Iran sanctions bill,” Greg Sargent, Washington Post, February 3,