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It Ended at Midnight, January 27, 2014

John Tate, Campaign for Liberty

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Jan. 28, 2013

Tonight, President Obama will deliver his latest State of the Union address.

And you can be sure Big Government themes will be front and center.

So before the speech, my staff and I are planning to start faxing thousands upon thousands of “Defend Liberty Directives” to Congress.

Our elected officials are under tremendous pressure to further expand government’s control over our lives.

So we must raise our voices even more loudly in defense of our freedoms.

We want to make it clear our grassroots R3VOLution is alive and well – and is more determined than ever before to fight for liberty!

But our “Ron Paul Freedom Bomb” ends tonight at midnight.

While the response has been incredible, we still haven't hit 200,000 signatures, and there are only a few hours left!

So please take this last chance to sign your “Defend Liberty Directive” if you haven’t yet done so.

And if you’ve already signed it, please share it with your friends and family!

I firmly believe this can be our movement’s best year yet.

And you can help us kick it off as strongly as possible.

To help us reach more Americans with the message of liberty this year, I hope you’ll also consider chipping in $5 or $10 today.

Thank you for your support!

In Liberty,

John Tate


P.S. Our “Ron Paul Freedom Bomb” ends tonight at midnight!

And my staff and I are planning to start flooding Congress with thousands upon thousands of “Defend Liberty Directives” before the President’s State of the Union speech tomorrow.

So please sign your Directive if you haven’t yet.

And if you have, please share it with friends and family!

I hope you’ll also consider a donation of $5 or $10 today to help Campaign for Liberty make this our movement’s best year yet!

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