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Which Message?

John Tate

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Jan. 23, 2013

Those who think Big Government isn’t big enough are serious about expanding it.

Our elected officials are under constant pressure to just go along on issues such as gun control, spending, NSA spying, taxes, and more.

That’s why those of us who believe in liberty, limited government, low taxes, and respecting our Bill of Rights must make our voices heard even more loudly and clearly than those who want more government.

Our “Ron Paul Freedom Bomb” is winding down, and we’ll soon be flooding Congress with thousands of Defend Liberty Directives.

Make sure your voice is heard in support of the liberty message by signing your Directive right away if you haven’t yet done so.

If you’ve already signed it, please share it with your friends and family.

Which message wins out in Congress – more freedom or more government – depends on us!

Please take action right away.

In Liberty,

John Tate
