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Don't Let AIPAC Push Us Into War

Robert Naiman- Just Foreign Policy

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Jan. 9, 2014

At this writing, 54 Senators - 38 Republicans and 16 Democrats - have co-sponsored S. 1881, the bill pushed by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee that President Obama and Senate Democratic leaders have warned would blow up U.S. diplomacy with Iran and put us on the path to another disastrous Middle East war.

But we can still stop AIPAC's war bill. AIPAC doesn't decide what gets Senate consideration. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid does. AIPAC is trying to pressure Senate Majority Leader Reid into calling the bill for a vote by piling on co-sponsors. If we can stop AIPAC from piling more Senate cosponsors on to the bill, Majority Leader Reid won't be pressured to call the bill for a vote. 

You can do something about this.  

1. Call your Senators. Call the Capitol Switchboard toll-free at 1-855-686-6927.

When the person in your Senator's office picks up, say:


"I urge Senator ____ to oppose S. 1881, which the U.S. intelligence community has warned would destroy the possibility of a diplomatic agreement with Iran, putting us on the path to war."

When you're done, report your call with our easy response form: 

(You can check to see if your Senators have cosponsored the bill here:

2. Read and share my piece at Huffington Post. I just wrote a piece at Huffington Post explaining why we can still win. You can read and share that here:

Lobbying for Iran War, AIPAC's Napkin Is Half-Empty

Thanks for all you do to prevent war,

Robert Naiman

Just Foreign Policy