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Merry Christmas, Banksters!

John Tate

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Dec. 17o, 2013

Harry Reid is determined to make sure the special interests, big banks, and big-spending politicians have an extra-special Christmas.


Even before the statists were done unwrapping their huge tax-and-spend budget “deal,” Reid announced he was going to make the dreams of Capitol Hill, Wall Street, and foreign central banks come true...


By ramming Janet Yellen’s nomination to be Federal Reserve Chair through the Senate this week.


Maybe Harry Reid thinks that by scheduling debate and votes the week before Christmas, he can sneak her through the Senate when the people are not paying attention.

And perhaps he thinks most Senators are so eager to get home they will simply rubber-stamp Yellen without a fight.


But Senator Rand Paul is championing this issue in the Senate and will force Senator Reid to make a choice this week:


Either finally allow the Senate to vote on Audit the Fed – or ignore the will of nearly 75% of the American people by ramming through the Yellen nomination without even a vote on transparency.


And if Audit the Fed does not receive a vote, we will treat every “yes” vote on Yellen as a vote against Audit the Fed.

Even though Harry Reid recently raised the bar by ignoring the Senate rules to allow Yellen’s nomination to proceed with a vote of only 51 Senators, I am convinced we can still win this fight IF the Senate knows the people are watching – and I believe Senator Reid knows it, too.


That’s why it’s vital you sign your Emergency Audit the Fed Fax Petition DEMANDING the Senate not confirm Janet Yellen as Federal Reserve Chair until Harry Reid first holds a roll call vote on Audit the Fed!


If Audit the Fed passes the Senate, it is guaranteed passage in the House!


And Senator Reid knows the special interests that profit from our reckless monetary policy fear the American people learning the truth about the Fed.


That’s why it’s vital we mobilize as many Americans as possible to send a clear message to the Senate - refuse to vote on Yellen’s confirmation unless and until Harry Reid allows the Senate to vote on Audit the Fed!


With your support, Campaign for Liberty can contact hundreds of thousands of Americans in the next few days, flooding the Senate with petitions and phone calls.


But we cannot do this without you.


So please sign your Emergency Audit the Fed Fax Petition DEMANDING the Senate not confirm Janet Yellen as Federal Reserve Chair until Harry Reid first holds a roll call vote on Audit the Fed!


Then please help Campaign for Liberty turn up the heat by making your most generous contribution.


Auditing the Fed is crucial to advancing our free market and limited government cause.


You see, the Federal Reserve’s monetization of the debt is what makes it possible for Congress to run up huge deficits with programs like ObamaCare.


Yet the American people are largely forbidden from knowing the details of the Fed’s actions.

Auditing the Fed is the first step toward restoring a sound monetary policy that does not expand government and supports real free markets, not crony capitalists.


Imagine what we’ll find out if we have a full audit and learn the truth about the Fed’s operations.  The results could cause a political earthquake.


No wonder Ben Bernanke, Barack Obama, and Harry Reid are so opposed to Auditing the Fed.


That’s why it’s vital you sign your Emergency Audit the Fed Fax Petition today and make a generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty.


Yellen's nomination gives us our best chance yet to force Harry Reid to hold a vote on Audit the Fed.


I trust you’ll agree we simply cannot allow this opportunity to pass.


Thank you for your support.

In Liberty,


John Tate



P.S. With Yellen’s nomination expected to hit the floor as soon as Thursday, it’s vital you take action immediately.


Please sign your Emergency Audit the Fed Fax Petition today and please make a generous contribution to help C4L turn up the heat!