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John Tate

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Dec. 11, 2012

The Ryan-Murray deal is here, and it's every bit the disaster we expected.


The plan increases spending by $71 billion over the next two years - putting fiscal year 2014 and 2015 discretionary spending back over $1 trillion!


And it hides its tax hike by renaming it a "fee" increase on airline travel.


It's laughable to say this deal does anything serious to reduce our nation's massive debt crisis.


Yet Speaker Boehner is calling opposition to this sellout "ridiculous."


Patrick, it's his "leadership" that's ridiculous.


The Ryan-Murray plan isn't a "compromise"; it's a bipartisan cop-out to continue milking the taxpayers for every last cent they can get while charging ahead with the destruction of our dollar and the American dream.

Campaign for Liberty has already faxed over 30,000 petitions to John Boehner and the House demanding they reject any deal that increases a dime of spending or taxes.


But reports indicate a vote could come as soon as tomorrow.


You and I can stop this deal from being rammed through, but we have to make the pressure unbearable on the House to win.


So please sign our "No Deal!" Emergency Fax Petition if you haven't yet done so.

And please make as generous of a contribution as you can today to help C4L mobilize more Americans to fight out-of-control big spenders in BOTH parties.


Let's make our voices heard in defense of fiscal sanity and common sense!


In Liberty,

John Tate



P.S. If you haven't already, please sign your "No Deal!" Emergency Fax Petition right away to help us stop the Ryan-Murray cop-out.


And if you can, please make your most generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty today to allow us to expand our efforts against the big spenders in BOTH parties