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Walmart's latest outrage

Anthonyo Goytia

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Nov. 29, 2013

I'm Anthony Goytia, a Walmart worker and MoveOn member. I started a petition on to Walmart's owners, the Walton family, which says:

For too long, many Walmart employees have been forced to rely on public assistance just to scrape by. I was shocked to hear that Walmart held a food drive for its own employees. Walmart's owners, the Walton family, have an estimated $144.7 billion, more wealth than 42% of our country combined. It's time for Walmart to pay its workers a decent wage.



I work hard at Walmart and I shouldn't have to donate plasma just to pay my bills. But as the father of three, I struggle each month just to keep my kids fed. It's gotten so bad that I'm forced to live payday loan to payday loan. This year, I'm on track to make just $12,000 at Walmart.

And I'm not the only one. Recently, news broke that Walmart was actually running a food drive asking its own employees to donate to hungry coworkers so they could enjoy Thanksgiving. That isn't right.

While the Walton family has more wealth than 42% of our country combined, many Walmart workers like me are forced to turn to government assistance just to pay our bills. It's time for a change. That's why I'm calling on the Walton family to publicly commit to paying us a decent wage.

Click here to add your name to the petition urging Walmart to pay its workers a decent wage, and then pass it along to your friends.

Thanks so much for your help, and I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

–Anthony Goytia 

This petition was created on MoveOn's online petition site by Anthony Goytia, along with OUR Walmart (the Organization United for Respect at Walmart). Nobody paid us to send this email—we never rent or sell the list.

Legal Disclaimer: UFCW (the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union) and OUR Walmart have the purpose of helping Walmart employees as individuals or groups in their dealings with Walmart over labor rights and standards and their efforts to have Walmart publicly commit to adhering to labor rights and standards. UFCW and OUR Walmart have no intent to have Walmart recognize or bargain with UFCW or OUR Walmart as the representative of Walmart employees.

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