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I'm thankful for peace with Iran. Is Hillary?

Robert Naiman- Just Foreign Policy

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Nov. 29, 2013

This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful that the United States and Iran are not at war. I'm thankful that President Obama fulfilled his campaign promise to aggressively pursue diplomacy with Iran, making sure that all peaceful means are exhausted to reassure the international community that Iran will never try to build a nuclear weapon. I'm thankful that Secretary of State John Kerry put his reputation on the line to work aggressively to get a deal. I'm thankful that those efforts have been successful in producing an interim deal that opens the way to a comprehensive agreement, due not only to the work and commitment of President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry, but to the Iranian people for electing a new leadership determined to try to improve relations with the West. And I'm thankful to all the Americans who worked to elect President Obama on a platform of pursuing diplomacy.

Predictably, Republican warmongers like Lindsey Graham are attacking the deal. Unfortunately, with some noteworthy exceptions like California Senator Dianne Feinstein, most prominent Democratic politicians have not praised the deal, even though polls show the American people back the deal overwhelmingly. Perhaps some of these Democratic politicians are more concerned about retaining the campaign contributions of warmonger interest groups like AIPAC than they are in representing the opinions and interests of the majority of Americans.

In particular, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been quiet. This is odd, because when there was a possibility that the U.S. would bomb Syria, Hillary wasn't shy to endorse the bombing.

If Hillary would endorse the deal now, it would make a major contribution to peace. Lindsey Graham can complain all he wants, but in order to undermine President Obama's diplomacy with Iran, the warmongers need to recruit key Democrats to their side, like New Jersey Democrat Robert Menendez, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. If Hillary endorses the deal, the political space for right-wing Democrats to undermine the deal will close.

Urge former Secretary of State Clinton to endorse the deal with Iran by signing our petition:

Thanks for all you do to help change our national priorities from foreign military intervention to fixing our problems at home,

Robert Naiman

Just Foreign Policy