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Rob Wohl (Sumofus)

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Nov. 29

This evening, (N0v 28, 2013) most of us will be sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner with our families and friends. But across the country thousands of retail workers are on the job, struggling to support their families on poverty wages.

And tomorrow, while many people line up for Black Friday sales, Walmart workers and their allies will be in the streets fighting for their rights. Can you be there with them?

Click here to find out if there's a Black friday protest near you and to sign up to attend.

Walmart pioneered the practice of staying open on Thanksgiving, and more and more retailers have joined in to compete. Many workers fear that refusing to work on the holiday could cost them their jobs, and other just need the money too badly to take the day off. When workers are paid so poorly they have to rely on canned food drives for Thanksgiving dinner, it’s hard to turn down a day of work. But this year is different -- this year workers are coming together to fight back, because they know they deserve better.

Will you be there with them?

And if the Walmart workers’ movement comes up at Thanksgiving dinner, here are some shocking facts about the struggles Walmart workers face:

  • The average Walmart worker makes $8.81 an hour -- but Walmart could give each of its associates a raise of more than $5, just by stopping stock buybacks.
  • Many Walmart workers work less than 40 hours a week and want more work -- but they have no control over their schedules, so it’s almost impossible for them to get a second job. Meanwhile, many Walmart stores are critically understaffed.
  • Walmart workers are so poorly paid that many have to rely on public assistance. Each Walmart job can cost taxpayers as much as $5,815 a year, or $1,744,590 for an entire store.
  • If low-wage retailers like Walmart paid their employees at least $25,000 a year -- the figure workers have demanded -- it would lift over 700,000 people out of poverty. And workers’ increased purchasing power would create more than than 100,000 jobs.

If Walmart workers win, we all win, and it’s easier than ever to stand in solidarity with them. Workers and community members have planned all sorts of actions for tomorrow, and you can find one that you want to participate by clicking the link below.