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A dark day but a silver lining

Martin Fox - Pro LIfe Alliance

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Nov. 22, 2013

As you have undoubtedly heard, despite our successful efforts to block Barack Obama’s pro-abortion judicial nominees in his most recent court-packing scheme, Harry Reid has now changed the rules.

Thanks to a change Reid himself once condemned as a “quest for absolute power,” it now requires only 51 votes instead of 60 to confirm presidential appointments.

Frankly, this will mean a continuation of the bad news pro-lifers have gotten from the courts ever since the infamous Roe v. Wade decision in 1973.

Yesterday was indeed a dark day, but as is often the case, there is a silver lining.


All the Senators who voted with Reid and Obama have painted targets on their backs for their next reelection.

In fact, three of the Senators who voted with Reid -- Mark Begich of Alaska, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, and Kay Hagan of North Carolina -- are up for reelection in vulnerable races next year, and unlike federal judges, they do not have lifetime appointments.  

Now it will be up to pro-lifers to hold them accountable.

For Life,

Martin Fox, President

National Pro-Life Alliance

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