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Fracking next to Glacier National Park?!

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Nov. 23, 2013

We still need your strong support to defend our national parks, forests and other wild places from an onslaught of fracking. Please make an emergency gift right away -- and help us win a fracking moratorium on all federal lands.

As you read this, the Obama Administration is poised to let fracking run roughshod over our natural heritage -- inside national forests, next to national parks and across millions more acres of our treasured public lands.

Unless we act swiftly, the fracking onslaught could destroy some of America’s last wild places and threaten the drinking water supplies for millions of Americans.

NRDC needs your immediate support to stop this giveaway to Big Oil & Gas -- and win the fight for a fracking moratorium on all federal lands.

President Obama promised to protect us from the ravages of fracking. Yet his Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has just released a set of rules that would let fracking run amok on spectacular public lands from coast to coast.

Here are just a few of the special places at stake: Virginia’s George Washington National Forest ... Ohio’s Wayne National Forest ... Colorado’s White River National Forest ... California’s Los Padres National Forest ... even lands outside Montana’s Glacier National Park and Wyoming’s Grand Teton National Park.

Make no mistake: this is not just a full-frontal attack on our natural heritage, which would be frightening enough. It is also a direct threat to millions of American families.

That’s because so many of us get our drinking water from pristine water supplies that originate in national forests and other public lands.

Are you willing to entrust your kitchen tap water to the very oil and gas companies that refuse to reveal all the hazardous chemicals they are pumping into the ground during fracking?

If not, then please make an emergency, tax-deductible donation right now to help us rein in an industry run amok, close our public lands to fracking and protect our environment in the most effective way possible.

Your support is critical as we confront an army of fracking lobbyists head-on and build an unstoppable wave of public support for a moratorium on federal lands.

By donating now, you’ll also be helping NRDC fight to win moratoria on fracking in key states -- and put urgent safeguards in place where fracking is already underway and putting people at immediate risk.

Meanwhile, our attorneys are fighting on the frontlines -- empowering local people with the legal know-how they need to ban or restrict fracking in their cities and towns.

We cannot confront Big Oil & Gas on so many fronts at once without your strong support.

If the Obama Administration isn’t going to protect our last wild places, our drinking water and our communities, then it’s up to us to band together at this crucial moment and demand action.

Please donate now so that NRDC can face down Big Oil & Gas -- and hold President Obama to his promise of protecting us from an onslaught of fracking that grows more dangerous by the day.


Big Oil & Gas is targeting our natural heritage for fracking. Help Win a Fracking Moratorium on Public Lands

We are mounting an all-out campaign to stop the fracking juggernaut from invading our last wild places, threatening our drinking water supplies and devastating more communities across the country. Please support our fight to win a fracking moratorium on all federal lands.




Frances Beinecke


Natural Resources Defense Council