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Stop cuts to food stamps

Monique Teal Democracy for America

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Nov. 16, 2013

We recently asked DFA members to put a face on the invisible epidemic of hunger and submit personal accounts of your experiences with food stamps and the government's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. In an unprecedented response, nearly 4,000 people from all 50 states shared their personal stories with us, expressing how SNAP has helped them persevere through economic pain.

In reading these member stories, I was very moved by one person, Sharon N., whose husband is a veteran and who cares for her grandchildren during the week. Like so many people, Sharon fell on hard times unexpectedly and relies on food stamps to stay afloat. Whether or not you've ever been on food stamps, you might relate to what she wrote:

My husband and I are using food stamps today. My husband was laid off 2 years ago and he and I have been looking for employment here in Michigan and have put in job applications all over and still no luck. Unemployment ran out in May of this year and so we have no income coming in at all. The only help that we receive is food stamps which was just cut this month. -- Sharon N., Detroit, MI

Sharon and 47 million other Americans like her are depending on congressional leaders to maintain funding for SNAP -- and to reject $39 billion in brutal cuts previously passed by the House. Sharon lives in Michigan and is a constituent of Sen. Debbie Stabenow, the chair of the Senate Agricultural Committee and arguably the most powerful person on the conference committee currently negotiating the farm bill that governs SNAP's budget.

Sen. Stabenow, a Democrat, can be be a hero if she stands up to Republicans seeking to slash food stamps -- and holds the line against the devastating cuts they are pushing. That's why Sharon started her own petition on DFA's YouPower platform asking Sen. Stabenow and the Democrats to stand strong on food stamps. Will you sign Sharon's petition?

The heartbreaking stories shared by DFA members made it clear that we cannot allow our veterans, family, caregivers, friends, workers -- or ourselves -- to be ignored or vilified. Hunger can touch anyone, anywhere and food stamps are the first line of defense against it.

That's why Sharon N. and millions of others can't afford for Republicans to win this fight -- and why she needs Sen. Stabenow to hold the line and protect our nation's most vulnerable citizens.

Click here now to support Sharon by asking Sen. Stabenow and her fellow Democrats to stand strong against the catastrophic cuts Republicans want to make to SNAP's budget.

As my colleague Karli Wallace wrote to you last week, this fight isn't about some abstract program that might help someone somewhere else. It is about our neighbors, friends and family. And ultimately, it is about us, too.

Thank you for taking action today.


Monique Teal, Campaign Manager

Democracy for America