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A masked Russell Brand leads Anonymous march against austerity cuts: Funnyman-turned-activist joins protesters as they aim fireworks at Buckingham Palace


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NOv. 7, 2013

Three people have been charged after hundreds of protesters including comedian Russell Brand descended on Buckingham Palace and Parliament Square as part of a worldwide demonstration against austerity cuts.

Officers from Scotland Yard arrested 15 pepole during the protests yesterday, which saw demonstrators clashing with police, fireworks aimed at the palace, as well as damage to Nelson’s Column and the Queen Victoria Memorial.

Today three people were charged; Ashley Anderson Hunte-Smith, 25, from Morden, south London, and Jordan Mark Perry, 21, from St Albans in Hertfordshire, are each accused of a public order offence and will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on November 19.

Jemma McCarthy, 25, from Bourne, Lincolnshire, was charged with two counts of assault on a police officer and will appear at the same court today.

A masked Russell Brand leads Anonymous march against austerity cuts Funnyman-turned-activist joins protesters as they aim fireworks at Buckingham Palace

Getting involved: Comedian Russell Brand was pictured at the Anonymous protest march in Central London