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Just in time for Christmas: National ID Cards?

John Tate, Campaign for Liberty

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Nov. 7, 2013

Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and John Boehner are planning to give you and me an unwelcome Christmas present:

A National ID card!

Here’s why it’s so important Campaign for Liberty has your support in this fight:

In recent weeks, both President Obama and Speaker Boehner have said that Congress should pass some sort of immigration reform legislation before the end of the year.

Obama and Boehner do not agree on all areas of immigration reform, but they both support the National ID scheme.

So it is very likely Congress will pass — and Obama will sign - legislation creating a National ID before leaving for the holidays.

The National ID scheme could pass either as part of a broader immigration reform package or as standalone legislation that would serve as a “down payment” on immigration reform.

But make no mistake, the National ID scheme has nothing to do with immigration reform.

It is an attempt by D.C. politicians to take the final step toward creation of a total surveillance state.

Campaign for Liberty is fighting to defeat this liberty-threatening agenda, but only your continued support will allow us to mobilize more Americans.

So please make your most generous contribution of $30 or $15 right away.

If passed, the scheme would:

*** Require a new National ID card based on Social Security cards and a national database containing biometric identification information, such as fingerprints, retinal scans, or scans of veins on the back of hands, which could easily be used for government tracking.

*** The card would be required for all U.S. workers regardless of place of birth, making it illegal for anyone to hold a job in the United States who doesn't obtain the ID card;

*** All employers would be required to purchase an ID scanner to verify the cards by making sure the information on them matches the information in the federal database.

So every time any citizen applies for a job, the government would know.

You can bet it's only a matter of time until "ID scans" will be required to travel, attend public events, buy a gun, or make even routine purchases.

Plus, it would only take a small change in the law to link the National ID card and the accompanying “biometric” database to the health care databases being constructed to implement ObamaCare.

The revelations concerning the National Security Agency’s spying — along with the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of tea party and other groups that oppose the President’s agenda — illustrate the dangers of allowing federal bureaucrats to collect and store our private information.

And the disaster of the ObamaCare exchange rollout again proves the folly of trusting the government to competently administer large, complex programs.

Unless we stop the National ID scheme, Americans could be denied a job because the database mistakenly said they were “forbidden" to work in the US.

Or bureaucrats could hack the database to deny jobs to anyone who supports gun rights, low taxes, or repealing ObamaCare.

That’s why your help is so urgently needed to empower Campaign for Liberty’s efforts to stop the National ID.

Please consider a generous contribution of $30 or $15 today.

Campaign for Liberty must continue spending vital time and resources fighting the National ID scheme, while also supporting Senator Rand Paul’s efforts to force Harry Reid to hold a vote on Audit the Fed.

We’re also fighting renewed efforts to pass the National Internet Tax Mandate.

And we’re continuing to work to defund ObamaCare and cut spending!

With all the battles we have had to wage, and all the battles we must prepare for, our resources are stretched thin and are almost tapped out.

Now is a crucial time, because statists like Harry Reid think we are distracted by the upcoming holiday season, and members of Congress are eager to get home for the holidays.

You and I must remain extra vigilant to let them know we are watching them and do not want a National ID card for Christmas.

So please help C4L ramp up its efforts with a generous contribution of $30 or $15 today!

In Liberty,

John Tate


P.S. Barack Obama, Harry Reid, John Boehner, and other prominent Republicans and Democrats agree on one thing:

You should be forced to carry a National ID card, your “biometric” information should be stored in a federal database, and you should not be allowed to get a job unless your employer checks the information on your ID card with the information in the federal database.

Implementation of this scheme could be the final nail in the coffin of our liberty and privacy. That is why Campaign for Liberty is going to do all it can to stop it.

But only your continued support will allow us to ramp up our efforts and mobilize more Americans in this fight.

So please make your most generous contribution of $30 or $15 to Campaign for Liberty right away to help us defeat this statist plan!